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Making fullcalendar scroll to the current time?

Simply put, is there a way to have fullcalendar scroll to the current time position in the week view?

If it helps, I'm using Ruby on Rails and jQuery

like image 731
amr Avatar asked Jul 23 '10 12:07


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1 Answers

This is what I used to scroll to the current time in the view :

var scrollTime = moment().format("HH:mm:ss");
    now: today,
    scrollTime: scrollTime

For UX purpose, I rounded down to the nearest hour so user can clearly see where (when) the calendar view is :

var scrollTime = moment().format("HH") + ":00:00";
    now: today,
    scrollTime: scrollTime

Check the fullCalendar scrollTime parameter.

like image 163
Gabriel Glenn Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10

Gabriel Glenn