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making a sine wave steeper?


People also ask

How do you increase the amplitude of a sine wave?

In the sine and cosine equations, the amplitude is the coefficient (multiplier) of the sine or cosine. For example, the amplitude of y = sin x is 1. To change the amplitude, multiply the sine function by a number. Two graphs showing a sine function.

How do you make a sine function smaller?

The sinusoidal axis and amplitude of a trig function graph. By multiplying a trigonometry function by certain values, you can make the graph taller or shorter: Positive values of amplitudes greater than 1 make the height of the graph taller. you multiply the height of the original sine graph by 2 at every point.

What affects a sine graph?

To conclude, when examining the graph y = a sin (bx + c), a affects the amplitude, b affects the period, and c affects the phase shift. If we add a fourth variable d, it affects the vertical change.

I've written a a little function that gives me out a value based on a sine wave when I put in a float between 0 and 1. I'm using it to lerp things around in a game.

public static class Utilities 
    public static float SineMe(float prop)
        float output = (prop*180f)-90f;

        output = Mathf.Sin(output*Mathf.Deg2Rad);

        output = (output+1f)/2f;

        return output;

It works fine.. But I was wondering is there a mathematical way of altering the sine wave so I can make it 'steeper' or 'shallower' in the middle? In the diagram below the blue curve is a sine wave, I'm wondering if I can make it more like the green line.

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