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Making a Native ELM module with Moment.js

I've been playing around with Elm for a couple of days and I wanted to make a port of Moment.JS, since I've seen a lack of libraries for what I wanted, and Moment just has everything that I need.

The thing is that I always face the same error. I have Moment.JS in my Native folder (it is named MomentJS.js) and another file called Moment.js (my wrapper). The problem is that when I call moment in Moment.js, I get an error saying that moment is not defined.

I've tried to import MomentJS.js in my elm file as well, before and/or after Moment.js. I've also tried to copy the whole JS into Moment.js and add my wrapper at the end of it. None of this things worked. You know what could I do? I've been looking for similar repos on the internet but I've never seen a module that has a wrapper and another JS file just for the native library.

This is my Moment.js code:

var _user$project$Native_Moment = (function() {

    var moment = require('moment');

    var format = function ( format, date ) {
        return moment().format();

    return {
        format: format


and my Moment.elm code:

module Moment exposing (format)

{-| A module desc

@docs format


import Native.MomentJS
import Native.Moment

{-| Call the default `Moment.js` format method
format : String -> String -> String
format fm dt = Native.Moment.format fm dt

The last thing that I tried was to download Moment from npm, copy its folder from the node_modules folder to my Native folder and do moment = require('moment') but I got TypeError: fun(...) is not a function.

Any suggestions?

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user2633604 Avatar asked Feb 06 '18 14:02


People also ask

Is MomentJS being deprecated?

MomentJs recently announced that the library is now deprecated. This is a big deal for the javascript community who actively downloads moment almost 15 million times a week. With that I began a journey during a Hackathon to replace moment in a core library at my company.

Is MomentJS still used?

MomentJS is a widely used time and date formatting and calculation library.

What should I use instead of MomentJS?

And today, the most popular alternative to Moment. js is Day. js which surpassed date-fns on GitHub by stars (46,2k Day. js stars vs 37,7k date-fns stars).

What is MomentJS?

Moment. js is a stand-alone open-source JavaScript framework wrapper for date objects that eliminates native JavaScript date objects, which are cumbersome to use. Moment. js makes dates and time easy to display, format, parse, validate, and manipulate using a clean and concise API.

2 Answers

After some digging, what you are looking to do is completely possible yes! :) However, it won't be a simple copy paste. Look at the source you posted here, it will require mapping every function to the native elm functions, i'd recommend starting small with this conversion.

First, Get a simple hello world Native example work, see here

Secondly, add in some of the simpler functions from moment.js one by one, i'd recommend starting with moment\src\lib\format\format.js

Lastly, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but if you really want to write javascript in elm, maybe Elm isn't what you are looking for? I really can't imagine converting an entire library similar to Moment.js would be simpler than creating your own Elm library inspired by Moment.js

Either way, best of luck! Seems like a fun challenge either way :)

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JosephStevens Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 20:11


There are two supported ways for Elm and JavaScript to talk to each other: ports and flags. Both are asynchronous and will be awkward for your needs.


Should you write native code? Elm's creator says no.

So the best path forward is to use one of the existing time/date libraries or write what you need yourself.

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Mark Bolusmjak Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 21:11

Mark Bolusmjak