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Making a list of books that cover topics of a typical CS undergrad [closed]

I want to cover the equivalent of a typical CS undergrad course in material, so I'm making a list of books to cover the typical topics. I've split the list into topics that, from the research I did, I think are compulsory and optional. I would like some help to confirm if the topics are split correctly, and if the books are of the correct level. Also, please let me know if I left out any important topics, or if any are beyond undergrad level.

Thank you for your time!

Edit regarding the on hold status: I do not believe this question is off-topic as I am not asking for a recommendation for books - I am asking if the topics I have listed are indicative of a typical CS course, and if any important topics are missing. The books links are only there in case the books I have chosen are not correct for the topic, and can be removed if necessary.


Operating Systems: Operating System Concepts

Networks: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach

Discrete Mathematics: Concrete Mathematics

Data Structures and Algorithms: Introduction to Algorithms

Computer Architecture: Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective

Automata Theory: Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Compilers: Engineering a Compiler was recommended to me over the dragon book.

Database Theory: An Introduction to Database Systems

Programming Language Concepts and Design: Programming Language Pragmatics


Cryptography: Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications

Functional Programming: Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Computer Graphics: Real-Time Rendering

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JamesLens Avatar asked Sep 08 '14 16:09


People also ask

Is there any book about computer?

The Soul of A New Machine by Tracy Kidder was first published in 1981 and won a Pulitzer Prize. This great book covers the development of computers in the late 1970s. The Road Ahead by Bill Gates is a great book published in 1995, providing a look into what Bill Gates predicted for computers and the Internet.

1 Answers

Your list is very good on the subjects directly related to computer science. However, it is light on math. In my own B.Sc. in Computer Science I also had a ton of calculus, linear algebra, algebra (groups, rings, etc), statistics, analytic geometry and numerical analysis. Some applications of computer science rely heavily on those:

  • Machine learning depends on lots of linear algebra, calculus, and statistics;
  • Computer graphics depends a lot on analytic geometry and linear algebra;
  • Scientific computation relies on calculus and numerical analysis.

I never used much of the ton of Algebra I had, but I hear it is important for cryptography. :-)

For a programmer developing more regular applications your list is very good, but for those interested in these more specialized areas (which are still pretty important), these subjects are vital.

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user118967 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10
