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Making a http POST request using Arduino


I am trying to post information to an API on a web project that I have created and hosted. I am not sure what the exact format is for the HTTP POST request. Every time I try I get HTTP 400 errors with the message that there is "an invalid verb".

Sample Code:

byte server[] = {"our IP"} .. ..  client(server, 80) .. .. client.println("POST /Api/AddParking/3"); 

It connects to the IP address supplied without any problems, but all I get back in the above mentioned HTTP error code 400. I am not sure if I was supposed to include a HTTP version after my POST or and Content-Length or any other information.

like image 997
Austen Bryan Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 14:09

Austen Bryan

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1 Answers

The original question is already answered, but just for reference for people passing by via Google; here is a more complete example how to post data to a webserver with an Arduino:

IPAddress server(10,0,0,138); String PostData = "someDataToPost";  if (client.connect(server, 80)) {   client.println("POST /Api/AddParking/3 HTTP/1.1");   client.println("Host:");   client.println("User-Agent: Arduino/1.0");   client.println("Connection: close");   client.print("Content-Length: ");   client.println(PostData.length());   client.println();   client.println(PostData); } 
like image 170
stif Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10
