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Makefile: Filter out strings containing a character


I'm trying to filter out strings that contain a particular character, but it doesn't work. I guess make does not support multiple % patterns?

.PHONY: test test:     echo $(filter-out %g%, seven eight nine ten) 


$ make test echo seven eight nine ten seven eight nine ten 

It doesn't filter out "eight"? Actually what I want to do is filter out from a list of filenames those containing "$". (In a Java context.)

Any hope, or do I have to use $(shell)?


like image 633
Steve Avatar asked May 26 '11 21:05


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2 Answers

Does the following function meet the purpose?

FILTER_OUT = $(foreach v,$(2),$(if $(findstring $(1),$(v)),,$(v))) $(call FILTER_OUT,g, seven eight nine ten) 
like image 124
Ise Wisteria Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09

Ise Wisteria

I recently did something similar using two wildcards functions for excluding some files

.PHONY: test test:     echo $(filter-out $(wildcard *g*.c),$(wildcard *.c)) 
like image 35
bltavares Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09
