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makefile: execute one target from another target plus additional commands



I have a makefile with something like the following targets:

    do a whole bunch of stuff to install

dist: install
    cp README.txt $(INSTALL_DIR)
    zip $(INSTALL_DIR)

I am trying to not repeat the commands from target install and make dist execute install first before executing its own commands.

Calling make dist does indeed execute all commands from target install but then just stops and it does not execute its own commands, e.g. the cp.

Am I missing something?

like image 595
cschol Avatar asked Mar 20 '10 05:03


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$@ is the name of the target being generated, and $< the first prerequisite (usually a source file). You can find a list of all these special variables in the GNU Make manual.

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1 Answers

try to add this line in your makefile

.PHONY : install dist

like image 72
zhongshu Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 13:11
