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Make the scene in Storyboard longer or scrolling in it

I'm working in the storyboard, and one of my scrollviews is way longer than the iPhone screen (to display some long text). In the simulator it's no problem to scroll but is there some way to scroll down the scrollview in the storyboard??

I have a slight memory of seeing a tutorial where the screen in the storyboard was "stretched" longer so it shows the whole scrollview. But that may have been in a dream. Someone who knows how to do something like this?


The answer below says that can you scroll through the scrollview with a two finger drag, but I can't. Could it be because the scrollview is placed directly in the ViewController without a UIView behind it? Should I have a UIView behind anyways? It works fine this way except I can't scroll through in the Storyboard..

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ingenspor Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 01:11


1 Answers

You can scroll within a scroll view in the storyboard with a two-finger drag. I'm not aware of a method to make the visible part of the scroll view bigger than the device screen within a storyboard.

Don't know what you'd do with a "normal" mouse either!

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jrturton Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11
