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make sure d3 data element matches id?



I've got an existing svg with a bunch of polygons. Each polygon has a unique id, and with each id, I have some associated data.

My question is this: If I do the natural d3 join:


Is there anyway to insure that the data element associated with a polygon is the correct one?

Or do I just need to keep the order of the array_of_data the same as the order of the selected polygons?

like image 839
Maus Avatar asked Feb 22 '13 02:02


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1 Answers

D3's data() function takes an optional second argument that is intended to provide just such a correspondence between datum and DOM nodes. Try this:

d3.selectAll('polygon').data(array_of_data, function(d) { return d.id; });

That second argument to data() is a callback function that, when called with a datum, returns the key that binds each DOM node to it's corresponding datum. When you don't provide such a function, D3 is left with no option but to use the index to bind datum to DOM nodes.

like image 94
Ray Waldin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Ray Waldin