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make python3.5 as default in AWS?

Is there a way to make python3.5 as the default python in AWS. every time i try the next time i connect python2.7 is the default one and pip 6 is the last version, knowing that I did updated it some minutes before. here is the method i followed : amazon_link

here is another link of amazon telling the versions, actually they are at 3.5 another_link

Thank you in advance, :) best wishes

like image 850
gxmad Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 16:07


People also ask

How do I make python3 default on Amazon Linux?

To set Python 3.8 as default version use the update-alternatives command. Confirm the new setting. Use python command to check current default version. Python 3.8 has been installed successfully in our Amazon Linux 2 server.

1 Answers

alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3.5

and then back if you want to

alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2.7

If you want to see what it currently points to

alternatives --display python

This is a system-wide setting not just for the current user. The system settings are stored in /etc/alternatives

like image 172
kikap Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 09:09
