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Make Git show the correct tag on branches with git describe

git describe is documented to find

the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit.

Source: git describe --help

I am a little lost understanding how exactly a tag is reachable from a commit. When run in a branch I'm not seeing the behavior I expect and I don't understand why.

https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware uses a release scheme where all changes go into the dev branch, which is then snapped back to master regularly. Releases and annotated tags are created from master. git describe run on master produces the expected result.

When run on dev I get a tag created over two years ago.

~/Data/NodeMCU/nodemcu-firmware (dev) > git describe

Why is this?

A similar situation is with a (more or less) frozen branch of an old version we keep around for certain users.

~/Data/NodeMCU/nodemcu-firmware ( > git describe

That branch was created after this annotated tag https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/releases/tag/ and only a handful of commits landed on the branch since.

like image 384
Marcel Stör Avatar asked Aug 28 '19 05:08

Marcel Stör

People also ask

How do I see branch tags?

Find Latest Git Tag Available In order to find the latest Git tag available on your repository, you have to use the “git describe” command with the “–tags” option. This way, you will be presented with the tag that is associated with the latest commit of your current checked out branch.

What is git describe -- tags?

The `git describe` command finds the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit. If the tag is on the current commit, then only the tag is shown. Otherwise, it shows the tag name appended with the number of additional commits and the abbreviated SHA of the current commit.

How do you fix fatal no tags can describe?

It happens because you only fetch the tag, not the commit history of the tag. git describe uses this history, which is why it has an error. The only workaround is to fetch repo's history containing the tag you're interested in, using git fetch <remote-name> .

How do I see a git tag message?

To view the code as it was at that commit, choose the Git tag name. To view details of the commit, including the full commit message, committer, and author, choose the abbreviated commit ID.

2 Answers

The documentation is a lie. You cannot find a tag from a commit. You can find a commit from a tag, and that's what git describe really does, in a remarkably twisty manner, as we'll see in a moment.

The lie is meant to be a useful, descriptive lie. How successful it is at that is, I think, open to question. Let's take a look at how git describe really works (without getting too deep into details). First, though, we might need some background.

Background (if you know all this, skip to the next section)

What you need to know before we start:

  • There are two "kinds" of tags: annotated tags, and lightweight tags. An annotated tag is one made by git tag -a or git tag -m, and actually has two parts: it's a lightweight tag plus an actual Git object, which we'll get into in a moment.

    By default, git describe looks only at annotated tags. Using --tags makes it look at all tags.

  • Tags are a specific form of a more general entity, the reference or ref for short. Branch names like master are also references, and git describe is allowed to use any reference, via --all.

  • You can also find a commit from a commit, using the commit graph.

Underpinning all of the above, Git has both references and objects. These are stored in two separate databases.1 One stores names, all of the form refs/..., which map to a hash value (SHA-1 currently, though SHA-256 is being planned). The other is a simple key-value store indexed by hash values. So:

       refs                                objects
+--------------------------------+    +----------------------+
| refs/heads/master   a123456... |    | 08aef31...  <object> |
| refs/tags/v1.2      b789abc... |    | a123456...  <object> |
+--------------------------------+    | b789abc...  <object> |
                                      | <lots more of these> |

The object database is usually much, much bigger than the reference database.

There are actually four kinds of objects in it: commit objects, tree objects, blob objects, and tag objects. Every object has an object ID or OID, which is really just a hash (again, currently SHA-1, eventually SHA-256; the idea behind calling it an OID is to insulate from the eventual changeover). Blob objects hold data that Git itself does not interpret.2 All others hold data that Git does at least something with.

Commit and tag objects are the ones that are particularly interesting here, because tag objects contain an OID that is the target of the tag, and commit objects contain an OID for each parent of the commit.

Commit refs (refs/heads/master and the like) are constrained to contain only OIDs of commit objects. Commit objects' parent OIDs are likewise constrained: each one must be the OID of another commit object. The parent(s) of any commit are some older commit(s) that existed when that particular commit got created.

If we were to look through all the objects in the repository (as, e.g., git gc and git fsck do), we could build a graph of all the commit objects, with one-way arrows linking from each commit to all of its parents. If we zoom in on one particular two-parent commit, we might see:

 ... <commit>  <--  +--------+
                    | commit |  <-- <commit> ...
 ... <commit>  <--  +--------+

Zooming back out, we see an overall directed acyclic graph or DAG of all commits. Meanwhile the OIDs stored in the branch names—and in any other reference that holds a commit hash—act as entry points into this graph, places where we can start and then keep following the parent links.

An annotated tag is a tag reference—a lightweight tag, more or less—that points to a tag object. If the underlying tag object then points to a commit, that too acts as an entry point to the commit DAG. Tag objects are allowed to point directly to trees or blobs, or to other tag objects, though. The process of peeling a tag refers to following an annotated tag that points to another tag object. We just keep following until we reach some non-tag object: that's the final target of this layered tag. If that final target is a commit, that's yet another entry point into the DAG.

So, in the end, we typically have a branch name like master that points to the last commit in a mostly-linear string of commits:

... <-o <-o <-o <-o   <--master

The fact that the internal arrows all point backwards is usually not terribly interesting, although it affects git describe, so I've included it here.

At various times during the repository's lifetime, we pick a commit and add a tag to it, either lightweight or annotated. If it's an annotated tag there's an actual tag object:

  tag:v1.1  tag:v1.2
      |       |
      v       v
      T       T
      |       |
      v       v
... <-o <-o <-o <-o   <--master

where the os are commit objects and the Ts are tag objects.

1The reference database is pretty cheesy: it's really just a flat file, .git/packed-refs, plus a bunch of individual files and sub-directories, .git/refs/**/*. Still, internally in Git, there is a plug-in interface for adding new databases, and given all the issues with the flat-file and individual files, I expect that in time, there will be a real database as an option.

2Mostly, that's your own file data. With symbolic links for instance the target of the symlink is stored as a blob object, so the data then get interpreted by your host OS later.

How git describe works

The git describe command wants to find some name—usually, some annotated tag object—such that the commit you're asking to describe is a descendant of the tagged commit. That is, the tag could point directly to commit X, or to a commit that is the immediate parent of X (one step back), or to a commit that is some number of steps back from X, hopefully not too many.

In Git, it is very difficult find descendants of some particular commit. But it is easy to find ancestors of some particular commit. So instead of starting at each tag and working forwards, Git has to start at commit X and work backwards. Is X itself described by some tag? If not, try each of X's parents: are they the direct target of some tag? If not, try each of X's grandparents: are they the direct target of some tag?

So git describe it finds the targets of all, or at least some number of, interesting references (annotated tags, or all tags, or all references). When it does this "interesting refs" on our example, it finds two commits, which we'll mark with *:

  tag:v1.1  tag:v1.2
      |       |
      v       v
      T       T
      |       |
      v       v
... <-* <-o <-* <-o   <--master

Now it starts at the commit we want described: the tip of master. From that commit, it can work backwards one hop to reach the commit that's starred from v1.2. Or, it can work backwards three hops to find the commit that's starred from v1.1.

Since v1.2 is "closer", that's the annotated tag name that git describe will use. Meanwhile, it did have to walk one hop back from master. So the output will be:


where is the abbreviated OID of the commit to which master points.

This diagram—both the graph itself, and the two annotated tags—is extremely simple. Most real graphs are terribly knotted, due to branching and merging. Even if we just draw another fairly simple one, we can get things like this:

                  tag-A       tag-B
                    v           v
         o--o--...--o           o--o   <-- branch1
        /            \         /
...-o--o              o--...--o--o   <-- branch2
        \            /

In this case, tag-A is going to be "closer" to the tip of branch2, and should be what git describe picks. The actual algorithm inside git describe is pretty complicated and it's not clear to me which tag it picks in some of the trickier cases: Git doesn't have an easy way to load the whole graph and do a breadth-first search and the code is very ad hoc. However, it is clear that tag-B is not suitable, as it points to a commit that cannot be reached by starting at branch2 and working backwards.

Now we can look more closely at your last example. I cloned the repository and did this:

$ git log --decorate --graph --oneline origin/ 
* b9436bdf (origin/ Replace unmainted Flasher with NodeMCU PyFlasher
* 46028b25 Fix relative path to firmware sources
* 6a485568 Re-organize documentation
* f03a8e45 Do not verify the Espressif BBS cert
* 1885a30b Add note about frozen branch
* 017b4637 Adds uart.getconfig(0) to get the current uart parameters (#1658)
* 12a7b1c2 BME280: fixing humidity trimming parameter readout bug (#1652)
* c8176168 Add note about how to merge master-drop PRs
* 063cb6e7 Add lua.cross to CI tests. (#1649)
* 384cfbec Fix missing dbg_printf (#1648)
* 79013ae7 Improve SNTP module: Add list of servers and auto-sync [SNTP module only] (#1596)
* ea7ad213 move init_data from .text to .rodata.dram section (#1643)
* 11ded3fc Update collaborator section
* 9f9fee90 add new rfswitch module to handle 433MHZ devices (#1565)
* 83eec618 Fix iram/irom section contents (#1566)
* 00b356be HTTP module can now chain requests (#1629)
* a48e88d4 EUS bug fixes (#1605)
| *   81ec3665 (tag: Merge pull request #1653 from nodemcu/dev-for-drop
| |\  
| |/  
* | 85c3a249 Fix Somfy docs
* |   016f289f Merge pull request #1626 from tae-jun/patch-2
|\ \  
| * | 58321a92 Fix typo at rtctime.md
|/ /  
* | 1032e9dd Extract and hoist net receive callbacks

Note that commit b9436bdf, the tip of origin/, does not have commit 81ec3665 as an ancestor. Tag points to object 4e415462 which is an annotated tag object that in turn points to commit 81ec3665:

$ git rev-parse
$ git cat-file -p
object 81ec3665cb5fe68eb8596612485cc206b65659c9

The tag you were hoping to find,, is not eligible to describe commit b9436bdf. There are no commits in this particular graph that are descendants of commit 81ec3665.

Using git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph, I find that there are some such commits in the full graph, e.g., b96e3147:

* | | e7f06395 Update to current version of SPIFFS (#1949)
| | *   c8ac5cfb (tag: 2.1.0-master_20170521) Merge pull request #1980 from node mcu/dev
| | |\  
| |_|/  
|/| |   
* | |   787379f0 Merge branch 'master' into dev
|\ \ \  
| | |/  
| |/|   
| * | 22e1adc4 Small fix in docs (#1897)
| * |   b96e3147 (tag: 2.0.0-master_20170202) Merge pull request #1774 from node mcu/dev
| |\ \  
| * \ \   81ec3665 (tag: Merge pull request #1653 from nodemcu/dev-for-drop
| |\ \ \  
| * | | | ecf9c644 Revert "Next master drop (#1627)"

but b96e3147 itself has its own (annotated) tag, so that's what git describe should and does list:

$ git describe b96e3147

Ultimately the issue here is that there is not a simple "ancestor / descendant" relationship between any given pair of commits. Some commits do have such relationships. Others are merely siblings: they have some common ancestor. Still others may have no common ancestor, if you have a graph with multiple root commits.

In any case, git describe normally needs to work against the direction of the internal arrows: it must find a tagged commit such that the to-be-described commit is a descendant of that tag. It literally can't do that, so it transforms the problem into one that it can do: find some tagged commit, out of the set of all tagged commits, such that the tagged commit is an ancestor of the desired commit—then, count the number of hops it takes to move backwards from the desired commit to this tagged commit.

like image 66
torek Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10


What is reachable has changed with Git 2.26 (Q1 2020) (v2.26.0-rc0 onwards): "git describe" in a repository with multiple root commits sometimes gave up looking for the best tag to describe a given commit with too early, which has been adjusted.

describe: don't abort too early when searching tags

Signed-off-by: Benno Evers
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano

When searching the commit graph for tag candidates, git-describe will stop as soon as there is only one active branch left and it already found an annotated tag as a candidate.

This works well as long as all branches eventually connect back to a common root, but if the tags are found across branches with no common ancestor


it can happen that the search on one branch terminates prematurely because a tag was found on another, independent branch.
This scenario isn't quite as obscure as it sounds, since cloning with a limited depth often introduces many independent "dead ends" into the commit graph.

The help text of git-describe states pretty clearly that when describing a commit D, the number appended to the emitted tag X should correspond to the number of commits found by git log X..D.

Thus, this commit modifies the stopping condition to only abort the search when only one branch is left to search and all current best candidates are descendants from that branch.

For repositories with a single root, this condition is always true: When the search is reduced to a single active branch, the current commit must be an ancestor of all tag candidates.
This means that in the common case, this change will have no negative performance impact since the same number of commits as before will be traversed.

like image 3
VonC Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10
