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Make columns same height in Vuetify Grid System

I'm currently creating a grid-layout in Vuetify, but I got stuck. I'm making a card-layout containing images. Here is the example:

enter image description here

I've tried it with the following code, but then small cards on the right are not aligned due to the margins.

      <v-row class="justify-center">
        <v-col cols="6">
          <v-hover v-slot:default="{ hover }">
              :elevation="hover ? 12 : 2"
              :class="{ 'on-hover': hover , 'overwrite-hover' : $vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly}"
              <v-img class="white--text" :src="images[0]">
                <v-card-title class="white--text align-end fill-height headline">My Pools</v-card-title>
                <template v-slot:placeholder>
                  <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
                    <v-progress-circular indeterminate color="grey lighten-5"></v-progress-circular>
        <v-col cols="2">
          <v-card class="ma-2" light height="50%"></v-card>
          <v-card class="ma-2" light height="50%"></v-card>
      <v-row class="justify-center">
        <v-col cols="8">
          <v-card light height="120px"></v-card>

Does anyone have a suggestion, or maybe a similar example?

Thanks in advance!

like image 806
Jeroen Meijer Avatar asked Feb 18 '20 19:02

Jeroen Meijer

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1 Answers

Luckily you only need to make minor adjustments to the smaller cards on the right. Make use of flex and let flex do its magic :) It's basically telling the cards to grow to the maximum height available without clipping. Then add some margin in between the cards with the helper classes mb and mt.

<v-col cols="2" class="d-flex" style="flex-direction:column">
  <v-card class="mb-1 flex-grow-1">
    Upper card
  <v-card class="mt-1 flex-grow-1">
    Lower card

As a codesandbox. Check out the file "layout.vue" for the complete example.

like image 136
discolor Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
