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Make clickable polygons on Google Maps (for Android)

I have continuous LatLngs of various areas in a city. Is there any way I can create clickable polygons with it. Once way to go about would be to

  • Generate polygons with the available LatLngs.( I want to visually show the polygons on the map with color encoding)
  • Set up setOnMapClickListener.
  • Do a point inside polygon test.

I understand that this is very naive. What are the alternative approaches?

like image 934
bittterbotter Avatar asked Mar 14 '16 08:03


2 Answers

you don't need to go crazy for having clickable polygon. I did it time ago but now, there is an api for that:


You can use it easily:

GoogleMap mymap =....//init your map
mymap.setOnPolygonClickListener(new OnPolygonClickListener(){
 void onPolygonClick(Polygon polygon){
   //do whatever with polygon!
like image 125
N Dorigatti Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 08:11

N Dorigatti

Here's how I did it.

    Polygon polygon = getMap().addPolygon(new PolygonOptions()
                    .add(new LatLng(12.780712, 77.770956), new LatLng(12.912006, 77.229738), new LatLng(12.412006, 77.629738), new LatLng(12.912006, 77.229738))


    getMap().setOnPolygonClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener() {
        public void onPolygonClick(Polygon polygon) {

            mClusterManager = new ClusterManager<MyItem>(getApplicationContext(), getMap());
            getMap().moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(getMap().getCameraPosition().target, getMap().getCameraPosition().zoom));

            try {
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Problem reading list of markers.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


Hope that helps.

like image 12
bittterbotter Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 09:11
