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Make C# ParallelEnumerable.OrderBy stable sort

I'm sorting a list of objects by their integer ids in parallel using OrderBy. I have a few objects with the same id and need the sort to be stable.

According to Microsoft's documentation, the parallelized OrderBy is not stable, but there is an implementation approach to make it stable. However, I cannot find an example of this.

var list = new List<pair>() { new pair("a", 1), new pair("b", 1), new pair("c", 2), new pair("d", 3), new pair("e", 4) };
var newList = list.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).OrderBy<pair, int>(p => p.order);

private class pair {
  private String name;
  public int order;

  public pair (String name, int order) {
    this.name = name;
    this.order = order;
like image 789
Joe W Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 06:02

Joe W

1 Answers

The remarks for the other OrderBy method suggest this approach:

var newList = list
   .Select((pair, index) => new { pair, index })
   .OrderBy(p => p.pair.order)
   .ThenBy(p => p.index)
   .Select(p => p.pair);
like image 128
Richard Deeming Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 02:02

Richard Deeming