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make ansible check if database is present on a remote host

To make sure that host A can connect to the database of the host B, I try to use mysql_db on a remote host

- name: Make sure A can connect to B database

and I get that error message even if the login/pass is right

msg: unable to connect, check login_user and login_password are correct, 
or alternatively check ~/.my.cnf contains credentials

Am i missing something? can I set login_host with a specific ansible host?

like image 346
user3382688 Avatar asked Dec 22 '14 16:12


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You can use a stat command in the (default) option batch abort mode to query file attributes. If the file does not exist, the stat command fails and so does the script. Then, test WinSCP exit code to determine, if the file exists or not.

How do I check my Ansible connectivity?

Testing Connectivity to Nodes To test that Ansible is able to connect and run commands and playbooks on your nodes, you can use the following command: ansible all -m ping.

How do you check if a file exists or not using Ansible?

The easiest way to check if a file exists using Ansible is with the stat module. The purpose of the stat module is to retrieve facts about files and folders and record them in a register.

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In Linux, the stat command is a command-line utility that provides detailed information about filesystems or files. Ansible, considered the most diverse and popular automation tool, provides a module for fetching file and file system information as native Linux stat command.

2 Answers

    Did you configure the mysql to accept the connection from Host A because 
by default mysql only accept connection from localhost.

If you have configured that the mysql accept the connection from Host A then you can verify that the database exist

- name: check if DB exists
   shell: mysql -e 'SHOW DATABASES;' | grep {{ B_database }}
   register: dbstatus
   failed_when: dbstatus.rc == 2

Then you can run your task, if the B_database exist

- name: Make sure A can connect to B database
  when: dbstatus.rc == 0 
  no_log: yes # You can disable this, if you want to print the stdout

If you are sure that the above cases are true and you are still getting error, then please do this:

Add this task inside your task/main.yml

- name: Copy the root credentials as .my.cnf file
     src: root.cnf.j2
     dest: "~/.my.cnf"
     mode: 0600

and this will be your root.cnf.j2

password={{ password }}

What it will do is, to connect the mysql from the root user without password and perform these task. You can remove it after running all the task or leave it like this because it is under root and have tight permission.

like image 182
Arbab Nazar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09

Arbab Nazar

In my situation I only wanted to import an SQL file once, when the database gets created. Here's how to achieve that, the Ansible way:

- name: Test playbook
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Database exists
        name: some_db
        state: present
      register: database_exists
    - name: Import database schema
        name: some_db
        state: import
        target: database.sql.gz
      when: database_exists.changed
like image 34
Timon de Groot Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Timon de Groot