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Make an image fit its container by setting the image height to the containers heights

Say I have container.a and it has some height in pixels, say I have another container.b within container.a that is 80% of container.a, now say I want to fit an image that has some height in pixels into container.b, how can I make the image be the height of container.b, and then maintain the width aspect ratio using CSS?

<div class="container.a">
  <div class="container.b">
    <img class="image.a" src="my_image.png" />

.container.a { width: 200px; height: 300px; }
.container.b { width: 80%; height: 80%; }
.image.a { ? }
like image 364
Masu Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 05:12


2 Answers

Give 100% width of image

like image 177
Akhil Thesiya Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 18:12

Akhil Thesiya

Use this:

.image.a { height:100%; width:auto }
like image 33
otinanai Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 20:12
