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make a windows 7 machine crash on BSOD

I'm trying to write a windows debug utility and I would need to automatically crash a Windows machine and make a Blue Screen Of Death appear.

I can obviously kill the csrss.exe process from the task manager, but the command TASKKILL /F /IM csrss.exe in a .bat file doesn't work.

Is there another way to make a Windows machine crash on bsod? Maybe some external library able to kill any process.

I would prefer to use a command line approach since I'm more familiar with it.

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TheSENDER Avatar asked Feb 06 '11 13:02


People also ask

How do I trigger a blue screen in Windows 7?

You can do this by holding down the furthest most right "Control" key then pressing the "Scroll Lock" key twice. Once this is completed, a blue screen should pop up.

How do you purposely cause a BSOD?

You can trigger a Windows 10 BSoD (or GSoD) in 3 steps: Open Command Prompt, and choose "Run as administrator" Type in the following command: TASKKILL /IM svchost.exe /F. Press Enter.

Can you trigger a BSOD?

How do I manually trigger a BSOD? If you don't have a scroll lock key on your laptop, you can usually activate it by holding down the Fn key and then double-tapping the C, K, S, or F6 key. If you enter the keys correctly, your computer will bluescreen right away.

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You must restart the system for these settings to take effect. After this is completed, the keyboard crash can be initiated by using the following hotkey sequence: Hold down the rightmost CTRL key, and press the SCROLL LOCK key twice.

2 Answers

You can do this in powershell with:

get-process | stop-process -force
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haxxy Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


In order to force a blue screen, you'll need to install a driver designed to do it. User-mode code isn't supposed to be able to trigger a bugcheck, just kernel code. For an example check out Mark Russinovich's notmyfault.sys: http://blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/archive/2005/08/17/unkillable-processes.aspx

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Jon Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
