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Make a specific column only accept numeric value in datagridview in Keypress event

I need to make datagridview that only accept the numeric value for specific column only in keypress event. Is there any best way to do this?

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Eplzong Avatar asked Sep 28 '12 18:09


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Disabling Column Sorting | ComponentOne DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight. By default end users can sort columns in the grid at run time. For more information, see Sorting Columns. If you choose, however, you can disable the column sorting feature by setting the CanUserSort property to False.

3 Answers

  • Add an event of EditingControlShowing
  • In EditingControlShowing, check that if the current cell lies in the desired column.
  • Register a new event of KeyPress in EditingControlShowing(if above condition is true).
  • Remove any KeyPress event added previously in EditingControlShowing.
  • In KeyPress event, check that if key is not digit then cancel the input.


private void dataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e)
    e.Control.KeyPress -= new KeyPressEventHandler(Column1_KeyPress);
    if (dataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == 0) //Desired Column
        TextBox tb = e.Control as TextBox;
        if (tb != null)
            tb.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(Column1_KeyPress);

private void Column1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar))
        e.Handled = true;
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Muhammad Mobeen Qureshi Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10

Muhammad Mobeen Qureshi

You must use DataGridView.CellValidating Event like this :

    private void dataGridView1_CellValidating(object sender, 
                                           DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
        if (e.ColumnIndex == 1) // 1 should be your column index
            int i;

            if (!int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(e.FormattedValue), out i))
                e.Cancel = true;
                label1.Text ="please enter numeric";
                // the input is numeric 
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Hamed Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10


 private void dataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e)
        e.Control.KeyPress -= new KeyPressEventHandler(Column1_KeyPress);
        if (dataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == 4) //Desired Column
            TextBox tb = e.Control as TextBox;
            if (tb != null)
                tb.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(Column1_KeyPress);

    private void Column1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
          // allowed only numeric value  ex.10
        //if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)
        //    && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar))
        //    e.Handled = true;

               // allowed numeric and one dot  ex. 10.23
        if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)&& !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar)
             && e.KeyChar != '.')
            e.Handled = true;

        // only allow one decimal point
        if (e.KeyChar == '.'
            && (sender as TextBox).Text.IndexOf('.') > -1)
            e.Handled = true;
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saurabh agrawal Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10

saurabh agrawal