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Make a map of Department to List of employee from employee object containing list of departments

Question: Employee contains list of departments and we have a list of employees now how to obtain a map like Map<Department,List of Employees> from employee list.

The below code does the trick but I wanted to know how to use streams api effectively instead of for loop.

    Department a = new Department("a");
    Department b = new Department("b");
    Department c = new Department("c");

    Employee e1 = new Employee("e1", List.of(a, b));
    Employee e2 = new Employee("e2", List.of(c, b));
    Employee e3 = new Employee("e3", List.of(c, a));
    Employee e4 = new Employee("e4", List.of(a, b, c));

    List<Employee> employees = List.of(e1, e2, e3, e4);
    Set<Department> departments = employees.stream().flatMap(employee ->

    for (Department d : departments) {
        for (Employee employee : employees) {
            if (employee.getDepartments().contains(d)) {
                if (!result.containsKey(d)) {
                    result.put(d, new ArrayList<Employee>());
    return result;
like image 450
Varun Yadav Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 15:12

Varun Yadav

1 Answers

Even without any stream-magic it's probably worth mentioning that you need only one loop-pair, over what you already have (the employees and their departments):

List<Employee> employees = List.of(e1, e2, e3, e4);
for (Employee employee : employees) {
    for (Department d : employee.getDepartments()) {
        if (!result.containsKey(d)) {
            result.put(d, new ArrayList<Employee>());
return result;

then you can try some stream-flatmap-groupingby magic:

List<Employee> employees = List.of(e1, e2, e3, e4);
var result = employees.stream().flatMap(employee->employee.getDepartments().stream()

here the drawback is that result is going to be a Map<Department,AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Department,Employee>. (AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry is a 2-element tuple, just it has a nice long name).

The snippet above may have typo-s inside, in reality I only ran your task using a Map<String,List<String>> as the employee-departments thing, as I didn't want to write the supplementary classes:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    var a="a";
    var b="b";
    var c="c";
    var empdep=new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
    empdep.put("e1", List.of(a, b));
    empdep.put("e2", List.of(c, b));
    empdep.put("e3", List.of(c, a));
    empdep.put("e4", List.of(a, b, c));
    var depemp=new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
    for(var employee:empdep.entrySet())
        for(var department:employee.getValue()) {
                depemp.put(department, new ArrayList<String>());
                    .map(department->new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(department, employee.getKey())))

this code outputs

{e1=[a, b], e2=[c, b], e3=[c, a], e4=[a, b, c]}
{a=[e1, e3, e4], b=[e1, e2, e4], c=[e2, e3, e4]}
{a=[a=e1, a=e3, a=e4], b=[b=e1, b=e2, b=e4], c=[c=e2, c=e3, c=e4]}

where the first line is the input "list" (just it's a map here, but looping over its entrySet() is just the same thing as a list), the second line is the result of the for-loop pair, producing the desired map, and the third line is the result of the stream-magic, but with a list of department-employee pairs "inside" the departments.

And that was yesterday, and today is today. I learned a bit more about groupingBy(), and mapping(). This "line"

        .map(department->new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(department, employee.getKey())))
        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(pair->pair.getKey(),Collectors.mapping(pair->pair.getValue(), Collectors.toList()))));

Produces the desired output with the previous String-String example,

{a=[e1, e3, e4], b=[e1, e2, e4], c=[e2, e3, e4]}

And then the full code, with Employee and Department classes:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Department a = new Department("a");
        Department b = new Department("b");
        Department c = new Department("c");

        Employee e1 = new Employee("e1", List.of(a, b));
        Employee e2 = new Employee("e2", List.of(c, b));
        Employee e3 = new Employee("e3", List.of(c, a));
        Employee e4 = new Employee("e4", List.of(a, b, c));

        List<Employee> employees = List.of(e1, e2, e3, e4);
        Map<Department,List<Employee>> result=employees.stream()
                .map(department->new Pair(department,employee)))
    static class Department{final String name;Department(String name){this.name=name;}public String toString(){return name;}}
    static class Employee{final String name;final List<Department> departments;Employee(String name,List<Department> departments){this.name=name;this.departments=departments;}List<Department> getDepartments(){return departments;}public String toString() {return name;}}
    // this is just a helper class instead of AbstractMap.whatever
    static class Pair{final Department d;final Employee e;Pair(Department d,Employee e){this.d=d;this.e=e;}}

This code produces the desired Map<Department,List<Employee>> result, and prints

{b=[e1, e2, e4], a=[e1, e3, e4], c=[e2, e3, e4]}

Also on IdeOne

like image 95
tevemadar Avatar answered May 13 '23 07:05
