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Make a JavaScript array from URL




I need to make a Javascript array from URL, eg:

turn this:

http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=Baker Street 221b, London&size=450x450&markers=Baker Street 221b, London&sensor=false 

Into something like:

array['center'] = Baker Street 221b, London array['size'] = 450x450 // and so on... 

I need to make this serializaion/unserialization work both ways (url to array and array to the part of the url). Are there some built-in functions that do this?

Thanks in advance!

like image 980
skazhy Avatar asked Nov 28 '10 16:11


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2 Answers

URL to array: (adapted from my answer here)

function URLToArray(url) {     var request = {};     var pairs = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');     for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {         if(!pairs[i])             continue;         var pair = pairs[i].split('=');         request[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);      }      return request; } 

Array to URL:

function ArrayToURL(array) {   var pairs = [];   for (var key in array)     if (array.hasOwnProperty(key))        pairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(array[key]));   return pairs.join('&'); } 
like image 81
casablanca Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10


the above function URLToArray is not working when url string has elem[]=23&elem[]=56.. see below the adapted function... hope it is working - not 100% tested

function URLToArray(url) {         var request = {};         var arr = [];         var pairs = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');         for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {           var pair = pairs[i].split('=');            //check we have an array here - add array numeric indexes so the key elem[] is not identical.           if(endsWith(decodeURIComponent(pair[0]), '[]') ) {               var arrName = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]).substring(0, decodeURIComponent(pair[0]).length - 2);               if(!(arrName in arr)) {                   arr.push(arrName);                   arr[arrName] = [];               }                arr[arrName].push(decodeURIComponent(pair[1]));               request[arrName] = arr[arrName];           } else {             request[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);           }         }         return request;     } 

where endWith is taken from here

function endsWith(str, suffix) {     return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; } 
like image 24
alex toader Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

alex toader