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Make a 8*8 chessboard in pygame with python

I want to make a chessboard in pygame with python. Just only the chessboard with for loops. I tried in several ways to do this but i didn't figured out what exactly it will be. Here is my code:

import pygame

#set color with rgb
white,black,red = (255,255,255),(0,0,0),(255,0,0)

#set display
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600))


#beginning of logic
gameExit = False

lead_x = 20
lead_y = 20

while not gameExit:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            gameExit = True

#For loop for chessboard 

#draw a rectangle
pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, black, [lead_x,lead_y,20,20])

#quit from pygame & python

Now i need an expert suggestion what it will be with python code. I just wanna show a chessboard in my screen. Thats it.

like image 264
user7670579 Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 10:12


2 Answers

More efficient would be to draw the board once at initialization and just blit that surface:

cellSize = 20
board = Surface((cellSize * 8, cellSize * 8))
board.fill((255, 255, 255))
for x in range(0, 8, 2):
    for y in range(0, 8, 2):
        pygame.draw.rect(board, (0,0,0), (x*size, y*size, size, size))

And then in your loop you draw the board surface first:

gameDisplay.blit(board, board.get_rect())
# Draw your game pieces
like image 80
wyattis Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 17:12


Possible solution, maybe not the most elegant, but you can create the squares in a loop

#Size of squares
size = 20

#board length, must be even
boardLength = 8

cnt = 0
for i in range(1,boardLength+1):
    for z in range(1,boardLength+1):
        #check if current loop value is even
        if cnt % 2 == 0:
            pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, white,[size*z,size*i,size,size])
            pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, black, [size*z,size*i,size,size])
        cnt +=1
    #since theres an even number of squares go back one value
#Add a nice boarder

like image 31
DJK Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 16:12