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Major differences between Lucene.Net 2.9 and 3.0



I have been snooping around trying to find some release notes for Lucene.Net 3.0 and so far have been unsuccessful. Currently we use Lucene.Net 2.9, but its a memory hog so I am trying to find out if Lucene.Net 3.0 has improved memory management.

As for my question, what are the major changes in 3.0? Has the memory management been improved?

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Kevin Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 19:11


1 Answers

Check out CHANGES.TXT in the source distribution.

=================== Release 3.0.3 2012-10-05 =====================

•[LUCENENET-54] - ArgumentOutOfRangeException caused by SF.Snowball.Ext.DanishStemmer
•[LUCENENET-420] - String.StartsWith has culture in it.
•[LUCENENET-423] - QueryParser differences between Java and .NET when parsing range queries involving dates
•[LUCENENET-445] - Lucene.Net.Index.TestIndexWriter.TestFutureCommit() Fails
•[LUCENENET-464] - The Lucene.Net.FastVectorHighligher.dll of the latest release 2.9.4 breaks any ASP.NET application
•[LUCENENET-472] - Operator == on Parameter does not check for null arguments
•[LUCENENET-473] - Fix linefeeds in more than 600 files
•[LUCENENET-474] - Missing License Headers in trunk after 3.0.3 merge
•[LUCENENET-475] - DanishStemmer doesn't work.
•[LUCENENET-476] - ScoreDocs in TopDocs is ambiguos when using Visual Basic .Net
•[LUCENENET-477] - NullReferenceException in ThreadLocal when Lucene.Net compiled for .Net 2.0
•[LUCENENET-478] - Parts of QueryParser are outdated or weren't previously ported correctly
•[LUCENENET-479] - QueryParser.SetEnablePositionIncrements(false) doesn't work
•[LUCENENET-483] - Spatial Search skipping records when one location is close to origin, another one is away and radius is wider
•[LUCENENET-484] - Some possibly major tests intermittently fail 
•[LUCENENET-485] - IndexOutOfRangeException in FrenchStemmer
•[LUCENENET-490] - QueryParser is culture-sensitive
•[LUCENENET-493] - Make lucene.net culture insensitive (like the java version)
•[LUCENENET-494] - Port error in FieldCacheRangeFilter
•[LUCENENET-495] - Use of DateTime.Now causes huge amount of System.Globalization.DaylightTime object allocations
•[LUCENENET-500] - Lucene fails to run in medium trust ASP.NET Application

•[LUCENENET-179] - SnowballFilter speed improvment
•[LUCENENET-407] - Signing the assembly
•[LUCENENET-408] - Mark assembly as CLS compliant; make AlreadyClosedException serializable
•[LUCENENET-466] - optimisation for the GermanStemmer.vb‏
•[LUCENENET-504] - FastVectorHighlighter - support for prefix query
•[LUCENENET-506] - FastVectorHighlighter should use Query.ExtractTerms as fallback

New Feature
•[LUCENENET-463] - Would like to be able to use a SimpleSpanFragmenter for extrcting whole sentances 
•[LUCENENET-481] - Port Contrib.MemoryIndex

•[LUCENENET-446] - Make Lucene.Net CLS Compliant
•[LUCENENET-471] - Remove Package.html and Overview.html artifacts
•[LUCENENET-480] - Investigate what needs to happen to make both .NET 3.5 and 4.0 builds possible
•[LUCENENET-487] - Remove Obsolete Members, Fields that are marked as obsolete and to be removed in 3.0
•[LUCENENET-503] - Update binary names

•[LUCENENET-468] - Implement the Dispose pattern properly in classes with Close
•[LUCENENET-470] - Change Getxxx() and Setxxx() methods to .NET Properties
like image 59
sisve Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10
