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'Main.this' cannot be referenced from a static context if outer class is generified




Why is the following code ok, but as soon as T is added to Main as a generic, it throws the following error?

'Main.this' cannot be referenced from a static context

//public class Main<T> { - uncomment this for the error to appear

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Main();

    class TestNonStatic {}

    private static class TestStatic {
        public TestStatic(TestNonStatic nonStatic) { //this is the line that fails


I went through generics restrictions but I don't get it why this results into an error. I also went through a lot of similar questions but I don't understand why adding the generic would change the situation.

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Vlad Topala Avatar asked Mar 14 '16 14:03

Vlad Topala

People also ask

How do you fix non static variable this Cannot be referenced from a static context?

Therefore, this issue can be solved by addressing the variables with the object names. In short, we always need to create an object in order to refer to a non-static variable from a static context. Whenever a new instance is created, a new copy of all the non-static variables and methods are created.

Why we Cannot use this in static context?

But static contexts(methods and blocks) doesn't have any instance they belong to the class. In a simple sense, to use “this” the method should be invoked by an object, which is not always necessary with static methods. Therefore, you cannot use this keyword from a static method.

Why we use non static method in Java?

A non-static method in Java can access static methods and variables as follows: A non-static method can access any static method without creating an instance of the class. A non-static method can access any static variable without creating an instance of the class because the static variable belongs to the class.

How do you create a static reference to a non static method in Java?

i.e. referring a variable using static reference implies to referring using the class name. But, to access instance variables it is a must to create an object, these are not available in the memory, before instantiation. Therefore, you cannot make static reference to non-static fields(variables) in Java.

1 Answers

Your TestNonStatic has an implicit generic which you have to specify whether it is a raw type

    public TestStatic(Main.TestNonStatic nonStatic) { 

or a generic type

    public TestStatic(Main<String>.TestNonStatic nonStatic) { 

or using a non-static class

private class TestStatic {
    public TestStatic(/*Main<T>.*/TestNonStatic nonStatic) { 

It won't implicitly assume the following, as the class is static

    public TestStatic(Main<T>.TestNonStatic nonStatic) { 

Why doesn't have some default behaviour, possibly because this might lead to even more obscure error messages ;)

like image 166
Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09

Peter Lawrey