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Magento redirecting to old URL after duplicating site

I'm struggling with a Magento multi store install. The old setup was one Magento install with two sites / stores all pointing to the same folder. Now the client wants 2 independent websites so changes to one won't mess the other.

Anyway, the database was duplicated, the files were copied, var/cache, var/session, var/tmp were emptied. I've changed the database params in app/etc/local.xml, the .htaccess file doesn't have any hard coded rules.

The problem is that sitea.com keeps redirecting to siteb.com and the admin area is not working, so I have to do everything in the console or phpMyAdmin.

What are the database tables where I have to do the changes ? What am I missing ?

like image 791
noru Avatar asked Jul 09 '12 22:07


People also ask

How do I get my URL back in Magento 2?

Magento 2, Get Referer url by calling function getRefererUrl() or getRedirectUrl() from RedirectInterface Object. Magento core Interface, Magento\Framework\App\Response\RedirectInterface used for fetch Referer URL.

What causes URL redirection?

Web pages may be redirected to a new domain for three reasons: a site might desire, or need, to change its domain name; an author might move their individual pages to a new domain; two web sites might merge.

1 Answers

The base_url in the core_config_data did the trick, combined with deleting everything in var/cache, var/session, var/tmp, and the system /tmp folder

like image 108
noru Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
