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Magento: How to programatically set the base image to the first image in the list




The problem

Current Situation

I'm having a problem with a third-party ioncube loader encoded feedloader plugin which is no longer supported by the original author (since they went tits-up) and instead of putting in two weeks to completely write it from scratch, I've decided to fix the problems it has after the import has run.


The only problem is: I want to write this using functions in the Mage library, not rely on a few custom queries that might break in the next update of Magento or whenever I change something in the database (I just want to get to know Magento's core functions better I guess)

Problem Diagnosis

The import does nearly everything correct, except from setting the base image (the small and thumbnail image are set correctly), as you can see in the screenshot below:

The first and only image has not been selected as default Base Image

The actual record in the database is missing for that image.. (so tempted to fix it with a query, but I won't.. I'm going to keep looking for an elegant solution)

Also, the function $product->getMediaGalleryImages() doesn't return any images, so I can't use the solution as suggested by @SKV over at Set Base Image Programmatically .. unless I am doing something wrong.

like image 761
Henry van Megen Avatar asked Oct 03 '13 08:10

Henry van Megen

1 Answers

$productId = 1;
//load the product
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
//get all images
$mediaGallery = $product->getMediaGallery();
//if there are images
if (isset($mediaGallery['images'])){
    //loop through the images
    foreach ($mediaGallery['images'] as $image){
        //set the first image as the base image
        Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_action')->updateAttributes(array($product->getId()), array('image'=>$image['file']), 0);
like image 82
Marius Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 00:11
