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Macro for concatenating two strings in C


I'm trying to define a macro which is suppose to take 2 string values and return them concatenated with a one space between them. It seems I can use any character I want besides space, for example:

#define conc(str1,str2) #str1 ## #str2  #define space_conc(str1,str2) conc(str1,-) ## #str2  space_conc(idan,oop); 

space_conc would return "idan-oop"

I want something to return "idan oop", suggestions?

like image 761
Idan Avatar asked Feb 03 '10 10:02


2 Answers

Try this

#define space_conc(str1,str2) #str1 " " #str2 

The '##' is used to concatenate symbols, not strings. Strings can simply be juxtaposed in C, and the compiler will concatenate them, which is what this macro does. First turns str1 and str2 into strings (let's say "hello" and "world" if you use it like this space_conc(hello, world)) and places them next to each other with the simple, single-space, string inbetween. That is, the resulting expansion would be interpreted by the compiler like this

"hello" " " "world" 

which it'll concatenate to

"hello world" 


For completeness, the '##' operator in macro expansion is used like this, let's say you have

#define dumb_macro(a,b) a ## b 

will result in the following if called as dumb_macro(hello, world)


which is not a string, but a symbol and you'll probably end up with an undefined symbol error saying 'helloworld' doesn't exist unless you define it first. This would be legal:

int helloworld; dumb_macro(hello, world) = 3; printf ("helloworld = %d\n", helloworld); // <-- would print 'helloworld = 3' 
like image 138
falstro Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10


#define space_conc(str1, str2) #str1 " " #str2 printf("%s", space_conc(hello, you)); // Will print "hello you" 
like image 23
Thomas Bonini Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10

Thomas Bonini