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MacOSX: how to disable accented characters input

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How do I disable the character accent menu on á Mac?

Open a Terminal window and run defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false . Some programs will reflect the new setting immediately, but you may need to restart programs like Slack in order to get them to load the setting.

How do I enable the character accent menu on á Mac?

In an app on your Mac, press and hold a key on the keyboard—for example, a—to display the accent menu. The menu isn't shown if a key doesn't have any possible accent marks. Select a character in the menu—for example, á.

How do you change special characters on á Mac?

Enter special characters and symbols You can use the Character Viewer to add special characters and symbols to text, such as math symbols, Latin characters, and pictographs. Click in the text where you want to place the character, then choose Edit > Emoji & Symbols (or press Control-Command-Space bar).

Yes! It's a shame that I didn't know about such a simple thing - but this is because I'm not a mac-maniac, I live on several OSes at once. When I've found out that quote + symbol gives me an accented character I've realized what's happening.

This was very easy:

  • Launch System Preferences, open the Language & Text pane.
  • Click the Input Sources tab.
  • In the list of input methods on the left, scroll down and enable U.S., disable U.S. International.

This 'U.S. International' did all the evil. Some IDE use their own input system, while Eclipse uses common input. This feature is one of those 'little convenient things' (just like smart quotes) which turn my life on mac into nightmare sometimes.

If you are looking to disable auto accents for languages other than U.S. English, I made a workaround solution here: How to prevent the typing of special characters like "~" modifying the next keyboard input?