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Macosx git autocomplete shows deleted branches



I think this may be a duplicate, but I can't find a straight answer to my current problem.

I'm trying to get my macosx git autocomplete to work similar to the git autocomplete I have on my linux box at work. I found some instructions that led me to install https://github.com/git/git/tree/master/contrib/completion (i'm using the .bash version). Everything works great, the only catch is that now the autocomplete shows branches that are already deleted.

Does anyone have an alternate script/method, or even just instruction on how to edit the current script to avoid showing all of my branches, and just the current local branches that are available.

thank you, Brodie


I figured an example was in order, to help make the question clearer.

#result of git branch is as expected
$ git branch

#now I delete one of my feature branches
$ git branch -D someotherfeature
$ git branch
  #the branch someotherfeature is gone, as expected

#however when I attempt an autocomplete, like with git checkout, I get everything remote branches, local branches, and previously deeted branches.
$ git checkout <tab><tab>
  master    somefeature    someotherfeature    remote/origin/master    remote/origin/remotebranch 

I'd like to have it just show my local branches like it does on my linux box

# i.e. given 2 local branches `master` and `somefeature` autocomplete would work as follows
$ git checkout <tab><tab>
  master    somefeature
like image 726
Brodie Avatar asked May 09 '14 16:05


1 Answers

In my version of git-completion.bash I can do the following to prevent these deleted branches displaying as part of completion:


I found it mentioned in the file (homebrew - /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.19.2/share/zsh/site-functions/git-completion.bash) and also in the SO post Disable auto-completion of remote branches in Git Bash?.

like image 144
HankCa Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
