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macOS. How to get CPU temperature programmatically





I need to get CPU temperature using Swift, but I can't find any information except for this.

I think that I should use IOKit.framework but again there's no much information about it.

like image 643
Serhii K. Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 19:12

Serhii K.

1 Answers

using https://github.com/lavoiesl/osx-cpu-temp/blob/master/smc.c I got it to work. You have to do a few things:

Simplify main() to something else:

double calculate()
    double temperature = SMCGetTemperature(SMC_KEY_CPU_TEMP);
    temperature = convertToFahrenheit(temperature);
    return temperature;

Write an ObjC wrapper:

#import "SMCObjC.h"
#import "smc.h"   
@implementation SMCObjC

+(double)calculateTemp {
    return calculate();


Add the header to your Swift bridging header.

//  Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
#import "SMCObjC.h"

If the app is sandboxed, add a security exemption for AppleSMC:

        <string>(allow iokit-open)</string>
        <string>(allow iokit-set-properties (iokit-property &quot;AppleSMC&quot;))</string>
        <string>(allow mach-lookup (global-name &quot;com.apple.AssetCacheLocatorService&quot;))</string>

Call it from Swift.

import Cocoa

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let temp = SMCObjC.calculateTemp()
        print("I got \(temp) in swift")
like image 78
David S. Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 00:12

David S.