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Mac Programming: Command-TAB - How does this build the application list?

I have a need to enumerate the applications that have "windows", "icons", whether if they are minimized to the dock or not. I need basically the list of applications that Command-TAB brings you. How do you do this programmatically?

Everything I tried gave me everything, or just the applications that are NOT minimized. Drives me nuts. Tried CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo, NSArray *runningApps = [workspace launchedApplications], but I can't get to the filtering of the list I need - whatever Cmd-TAB brings you.

like image 389
JasonGenX Avatar asked Nov 15 '22 09:11


1 Answers

This was asked and answered previously here: Getting the list of running applications ordered by last use

like image 139
Joshua Nozzi Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 13:12

Joshua Nozzi