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LWJGL Tutorials [closed]




Does anyone know of any good Light Weight Java Game Library tutorials geared towards beginners in OpenGL? I have noticed there are some on youtube but they only cover the basics on creating a window and redering 2D quads to the screen, and are often incomplete. Also the LWJGL website offers small tutorials, but only, it seems, on the basics of setting up the window and polling input.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

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lilroo Avatar asked Apr 12 '12 15:04


2 Answers

These are some of the links for your interest:





http://www.experiencefestival.com/wp/videos/18-advanced-opengl-rendering--java-game-development-lwjgl/oTqFgYR3Fvs - This is nice video tutorial.Also, this is the following site that collected more than 18 lessons of the source of the video tutorial. https://github.com/OskarVeerhoek/YouTube-tutorials/tree/master/src.

http://www.lloydgoodall.com/tutorials/first-person-camera-control-with-lwjgl/ - tutorial for first person camera controller

https://bitbucket.org/chuck/lwjgl-sandbox/src/b3e538e59c85/src/main/java/tutorials/nehe - This one is having around 12 lessons of NEHE ported to LWGJL.

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UVM Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10


I always watch TheCodingUniverse when he releases new tutorials with LWJGL, here's episode 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v56I5UWrYY (He has currently released 26 episodes: from basic 2D quads to advanced rendering, sound and loading models)

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adventurerOK Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
