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Lua weak reference




I'm aware of the weak tables functionality in Lua, however I would like to have a weak reference with a single variable.

I've seen this proposal which suggests an API as follows:

-- creation
ref = weakref(obj)
-- dereference
obj = ref()

which would seem ideal. However this doesn't appear to be in the documentation elsewhere; only weak tables.

Is there something analogous to Python's weak reference to object functionality?

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MarkNS Avatar asked Mar 17 '15 21:03


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Weak tables are the mechanism that you use to tell Lua that a reference should not prevent the reclamation of an object. A weak reference is a reference to an object that is not considered by the garbage collector.

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1 Answers

Something like this can do what you want I believe:

local obj = {value = "obj.value"}

local ref = setmetatable({real = obj}, {__mode = "v", __call = function(self) return self.real end})


obj = nil


The __call part is optional but gives you the ref() call syntax. Without it you have to use the direct access version.

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Etan Reisner Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 00:12

Etan Reisner