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Lua: How to avoid Circular Requires


How can I avoid the following error from Lua 5.1 when attempting to do a circular require?

$ lua main.lua 
lua: ./bar.lua:1: loop or previous error loading module 'foo'
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'require'
    ./bar.lua:1: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    ./foo.lua:1: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    main.lua:1: in main chunk
    [C]: ?

File Structure


require "foo"
require "bar"
print (Foo.getName())
print (Bar.getName())


require 'bar'
Foo = {}
Foo.name = 'foo'

function Foo:getName()
    return Foo.name .. Bar.name


require 'foo'
Bar = {}
Bar.name = 'bar'

function Bar:getName()
    return Bar.name .. Foo.name

Expected Output

$ lua main.lua 
like image 268
Jess Telford Avatar asked Dec 20 '12 03:12

Jess Telford

2 Answers

Another way would to solve this issue would be to change the structure of the code and extract the "mutual" functionality into a third module, which both Foo and Bar would require.

like image 78
Michal Kottman Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Michal Kottman



Foo = Foo or require "foo"
Bar = Bar or require "bar"
print (Foo.getName())
print (Bar.getName())


Foo = {}
Bar = Bar or require "bar"
Foo.name = 'foo'

function Foo:getName()
    return Foo.name .. Bar.name

return Foo


Bar = {}
Foo = Foo or require "foo"
Bar.name = 'bar'

function Bar:getName()
    return Bar.name .. Foo.name

return Bar


Since you are setting global variables, you can check to see if the file has already been required (aka; the global already defined) before attempting another require:

Bar = Bar or require "bar"

Your bar.lua would then have to return the definition of Bar;

Bar = {}
-- ...
return Bar

This wont entirely resolve the issue as bar.lua is expecting Foo to be defined. To resolve this, you can define a dummy variable with the same name:

Foo = {}
Bar = Bar or require "bar"

This is only possible because you are deferring the usage of Foo to when the function is called. If you wanted to call Foo.name from within the scope of bar.lua, you would end up with the same circular dependency issue.

like image 35
Jess Telford Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Jess Telford