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LSTM Model in Keras with Auxiliary Inputs

I have a dataset with 2 columns - Each column contains a set of documents. I have to match the document in Col A with documents provided in Col B. This is a supervised classification problem. So my training data contains a label column indicating whether the documents match or not.

To solve the problem, I have a created a set of features, say f1-f25 (by comparing the 2 documents) and then trained a binary classifier on these features. This approach works reasonably well, but now I would like to evaluate Deep Learning models on this problem (specifically, LSTM models).

I am using the keras library in Python. After going through the keras documentation and other tutorials available online, I have managed to do the following:

from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, LSTM, Dense
from keras.models import Model

# Each document contains a series of 200 words 
# The necessary text pre-processing steps have been completed to transform  
  each doc to a fixed length seq
main_input1 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input1')
main_input2 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input2')

# Next I add a word embedding layer (embed_matrix is separately created    
for each word in my vocabulary by reading from a pre-trained embedding model)
x = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000, 
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input1)
y = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000, 
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input2)

# Next separately pass each layer thru a lstm layer to transform seq of   
vectors into a single sequence
lstm_out_x1 = LSTM(32)(x)
lstm_out_x2 = LSTM(32)(y)

# concatenate the 2 layers and stack a dense layer on top
x = keras.layers.concatenate([lstm_out_x1, lstm_out_x2])
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
# generate intermediate output
auxiliary_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='aux_output')(x)

# add auxiliary input - auxiliary inputs contains 25 features for each document pair
auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(25,), name='aux_input')

# merge aux output with aux input and stack dense layer on top
main_input = keras.layers.concatenate([auxiliary_output, auxiliary_input])
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(main_input)
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)

# finally add the main output layer
main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(x)

model = Model(inputs=[main_input1, main_input2, auxiliary_input], outputs= main_output)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

model.fit([x1, x2,aux_input], y,
      epochs=3, batch_size=32)

However, when I score this on the training data, I get the same prob. score for all cases. The issue seems to be with the way auxiliary input is fed in (because it generates meaningful output when I remove the aux. input). I also tried inserting the auxiliary input at different places in the network. But somehow I couldnt get this to work.

Any pointers?

like image 248
Dataminer Avatar asked May 07 '17 07:05


People also ask

What are the inputs to a LSTM model?

The input of the LSTM is always is a 3D array. (batch_size, time_steps, seq_len) . The output of the LSTM could be a 2D array or 3D array depending upon the return_sequences argument.

What is input layer in LSTM?

Input layer consists of 10 sequential time steps (10 × 30 sec = 5 min), each containing 32 feature-channel combinations (2 features × 16 channels). LSTM layer consists of 10 LSTM cells each having 100 hidden units. FC = fully connected layer taking output matrix (h10) from 10th LSTM cell.

How many features does LSTM have?

These three parts of an LSTM cell are known as gates. The first part is called Forget gate, the second part is known as the Input gate and the last one is the Output gate.

What does keras LSTM layer do?

Long Short-Term Memory Network or LSTM, is a variation of a recurrent neural network (RNN) that is quite effective in predicting the long sequences of data like sentences and stock prices over a period of time. It differs from a normal feedforward network because there is a feedback loop in its architecture.

1 Answers

Well, this is open for several months and people are voting it up.
I did something very similar recently using this dataset that can be used to forecast credit card defaults and it contains categorical data of customers (gender, education level, marriage status etc.) as well as payment history as time series. So I had to merge time series with non-series data. My solution was very similar to yours by combining LSTM with a dense, I try to adopt the approach to your problem. What worked for me is dense layer(s) on the auxiliary input.

Furthermore in your case a shared layer would make sense so the same weights are used to "read" both documents. My proposal for testing on your data:

from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, LSTM, Dense
from keras.models import Model

# Each document contains a series of 200 words 
# The necessary text pre-processing steps have been completed to transform  
  each doc to a fixed length seq
main_input1 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input1')
main_input2 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input2')

# Next I add a word embedding layer (embed_matrix is separately created    
for each word in my vocabulary by reading from a pre-trained embedding model)
x1 = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000, 
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input1)
x2 = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000, 
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input2)

# Next separately pass each layer thru a lstm layer to transform seq of   
vectors into a single sequence
# Comment Manngo: Here I changed to shared layer
# Also renamed y as input as it was confusing
# Now x and y are x1 and x2
lstm_reader = LSTM(32)
lstm_out_x1 = lstm_reader(x1)
lstm_out_x2 = lstm_reader(x2)

# concatenate the 2 layers and stack a dense layer on top
x = keras.layers.concatenate([lstm_out_x1, lstm_out_x2])
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
# generate intermediate output
# Comment Manngo: This is created as a dead-end
# It will not be used as an input of any layers below
auxiliary_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='aux_output')(x)

# add auxiliary input - auxiliary inputs contains 25 features for each document pair
# Comment Manngo: Dense branch on the comparison features
auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(25,), name='aux_input')
auxiliary_input = Dense(64, activation='relu')(auxiliary_input)
auxiliary_input = Dense(32, activation='relu')(auxiliary_input)

# OLD: merge aux output with aux input and stack dense layer on top
# Comment Manngo: actually this is merging the aux output preparation dense with the aux input processing dense
main_input = keras.layers.concatenate([x, auxiliary_input])
main = Dense(64, activation='relu')(main_input)
main = Dense(64, activation='relu')(main)

# finally add the main output layer
main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(main)

# Compile
# Comment Manngo: also define weighting of outputs, main as 1, auxiliary as 0.5
              loss={'main_output': 'w_binary_crossentropy', 'aux_output': 'binary_crossentropy'},
              loss_weights={'main_output': 1.,'auxiliary_output': 0.5},

# Train model on main_output and on auxiliary_output as a support
# Comment Manngo: Unknown information marked with placeholders ____
# We have 3 inputs: x1 and x2: the 2 strings
# aux_in: the 25 features
# We have 2 outputs: main and auxiliary; both have the same targets -> (binary)y

model.fit({'main_input1': __x1__, 'main_input2': __x2__, 'auxiliary_input' : __aux_in__}, {'main_output': __y__, 'auxiliary_output': __y__}, 

I don't know how much this can help since I don't have your data so I can't try. Nevertheless this is my best shot.
I didn't run the above code for obvious reasons.

like image 165
Manngo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
