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Lower bounded wildcard not checked against upper bounded type parameter

I wonder why does this piece of code compile successfully?

Source code:

abstract class A<K extends Number>
    public abstract <M> A<? super M> useMe(A<? super M> k);

Compiled successfully

How does it work and why does this compile? M is any type, so why it can be used?. Should it be: <M extends Number>? This will not compile:

abstract class A<K extends Number>
    public abstract <M> A<? super M> useMe(A<M> k);

Error message:

type argument M is not within bounds of type variable K where M, K are type variables: M extends Object declared in method useMe(A) K extends Number declared in class A

What is the difference?

like image 810
Pawel Avatar asked Dec 23 '13 23:12


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1 Answers

This compiler behavior was discussed on this Eclipse bug. Originally, the Eclipse compiler did error for the expression in your example, while javac did not. Although I haven't yet searched the JLS directly, the consensus seems to be that there is nothing in the spec requiring lower bounded wildcards to be checked against type parameter bounds. In this situation it's ultimately left to the caller to assign a type that satisfies the constraints (as surmised by Stephan Herrmann on that post).

like image 71
Paul Bellora Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10

Paul Bellora