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Lost Chrome Tabs, Did Something Really Dumb- Situation Still Salvageable? [closed]

Alright, I'm sure this situation has came up before here, but in my case, I did something truly boneheaded that probably most others had not done before. Long story short:

  • Had over 200 tabs on a Chrome window I had meticulously saved up, but didn't know how it really operated

  • Decided to reactivate my Battle.net account (wanted to replay Starcraft 2) while I was out of Chrome.

-Payment screen prompted Chrome to open(???), and voila, a completely new session arose, *wiping off all of my saved tabs*.

-Didn't know what was going on, in fit of panic closed that window and opened a new one (D'oh!)

-Tried opening new windows, but you can guess the result. Nothing there, old tabs still gone

  • Tried to restore Chrome to an earlier version, too bad my system didn't have a save point BEFORE the wipeout.

So I'm totally stuck here. Is there any conceivable way at all for me to recover that long lost session with all my 200+ tabs?

Thank you!

like image 479
user2534182 Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 02:11


1 Answers

You're going to need to find the Last Session and Last Tabs files located:

On a Mac:

/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/

On Windows:

C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\ 

I'm on OSX so I haven't validated this info.

Windows path from http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/UPbxgK8jSR4

Once you locate Last Session and Last Tabs, copy them into the Chrome folder as Current Session and Current Tabs, respectively. Good luck!

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vroomfondel Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 01:01
