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Looping through string values from a windows command line bat file

I am trying to create a batch script for my Windows machine that loops through a list of (string/decimal) values and uses each value as a parameter inside the loop.

Below is an example of a simple for loop I would like to use to display all the different version files (from my list)

FOR ? in ('1.1','1.2','2.4','3.9') do echo V[value_from_for_loop].txt 

I am having trouble in how to loop through each item and use a variable in my echo statement.

like image 956
David Avatar asked Aug 09 '10 12:08


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1 Answers

for %x in (1.1 1.2 2.4 3.9) do echo V%x.txt 

For use in a batch file you'll have to double the %:

for %%x in (1.1 1.2 2.4 3.9) do echo V%%x.txt 
like image 185
Joey Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
