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Looping problem with dictionary in Django templates

I'm not sure why this template is not rendering anything to the page. Is there anything obvious I am missing here?


def details_activity_log(request, project_id, template='projects/details_activity_log.html'):

    project = get_object_or_404(Project.objects.select_related(), pk=project_id)
    action_log = project.projectactionlog_set.all()

    log_group = defaultdict(list)

    for log in action_log:

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return render_to_response(template, {
        'log_group'  : log_group,
        'project'    : project,
        'action_log' : action_log,
        'tab_5'      : 'active',
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

log_group contains a dict of model objects like so:

defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'110614': [<ProjectActionLog: ProjectActionLog object>, ...]}) 


   {% for key, log in log_group %}
      {% for action in log %}
        {{ action }}
        {{ action.action_time }}                    
        {{ action.user.first_name }}
        {{ action.message }}
        {{ action.object_name }}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Edit If only I had looked in the docs I would have seen the answer. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/?from=olddocs#for

However it's a tricky situation since the templates don't throw any runtime errors when the loop can't unpack the iterator items.

like image 807
Keyo Avatar asked Jun 21 '11 03:06


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2 Answers


{% for key, log in log_group %}


{% for key, log in log_group.items %}
like image 103
John Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


Update your for loop to:

{% for log in log_group.itervalues %}

Or, if you actually need key (your example template doesn't show you using it):

{% for key, log in log_group.iteritems %}
like image 22
TM. Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10