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Loop over a set of pages with Selenium Basic (VBA)


So my first foray into Selenium and I am attempting to:

  1. Find the number of pages in a pagination set listed at the bottom of https://codingislove.com/ This is purely to support task 2 by determining the loop end.
  2. Loop over them

I believe these are linked but for those that want a single issue. I simply want to find the correct collection and loop over it to load each page.

The number of pages is, at time of writing, 6 as seen at the bottom of the webpage and shown below:

Pagination set

As an MCVE I simply want to find the number of pages and click my way through them. Using Selenium Basic.

What I have tried:

I have read through a number of online resources, I have listed but a few in references.

Task 1)

It seems that I should be able to find the count of pages using the Size property. But I can't seem to find the right object to use this with. I have made a number of attempts; a few shown below:

bot.FindElementsByXPath("//*[@id=""main""]/nav/div/a[3]").Size '<==this I think is too specific

But these yield the run-time error 438:

"Object does not support this property or method"

And the following doesn't seem to expose the required methods:


I have fudged with

bot.FindElementsByClass("page-numbers").Count + 1 

But would like something more robust

Task 2)

I know that I can navigate to the next page, from page 1, with:


But I can't use this in a loop presumably because the XPath needs to be updated. If not updated it leads to a runtime error 13.

Run-time error 13

As the re-directs follow a general pattern of


I can again fudge my way through by constructing each URL in the loop with

bot.Get "https://codingislove.com/page/" & i & "/"

But I would like something more robust.


How do I loop over the pagination set in a robust fashion using selenium? Sure I am having a dense day and that there should be an easy to target appropriate collection to loop over.

Code - My current attempt

Option Explicit
Public Sub scrapeCIL()
    Dim bot As New WebDriver, i As Long, pageCount As Long

    bot.Start "chrome", "https://codingislove.com"
    bot.Get "/"
    pageCount = bot.FindElementsByClass("page-numbers").Count + 1 '

    For i = 1 To pageCount 'technically can loop from 2 I know!
      ' bot.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id=""main""]/nav/div/a[3]").Click 'runtime error 13
       ' bot.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id=""main""]/nav/div/a[2]/span").Click ''runtime error 13
        bot.Get "https://codingislove.com/page/" & i & "/"
    Next i


End Sub


Any supported browser will do. It doesn't have to be Chrome.


  1. Finding the number of pagination buttons in Selenium WebDriver
  2. http://seleniumhome.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/how-can-we-automate-pagination-using.html


  1. Selenium Basic
  2. ChromeDriver 2.37 'Or use IE but zoom must be at 100%
  3. VBE Tools > references > Selenium type library
like image 486
QHarr Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 09:03


1 Answers

To click the element, it must be visible in the screen, so you need to scroll to the bottom of the page first (selenium might do this implicitly some times, but I don't find it reliable).

Try this:

Option Explicit
Public Sub scrapeCIL()
    Dim bot As New WebDriver, btn As Object, i As Long, pageCount As Long

    bot.Start "chrome", "https://codingislove.com"
    bot.Get "/"
    pageCount = bot.FindElementsByClass("page-numbers").Count

    For i = 1 To pageCount

        bot.ExecuteScript ("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);")

        Application.wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")

        On Error Resume Next
        Set btn = bot.FindElementByCss("a[class='next page-numbers']")
        If btn.IsPresent = True Then
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0

    Next i


End Sub
like image 161
drec4s Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 02:03
