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Looking for something similar to offsetof() for non-POD types





I'm looking for a way to obtain offsets of data members of a C++ class which is of non-POD nature.

Here's why:

I'd like to store data in HDF5 format, which seems most suited for my kind of material (numerical simulation output), but it is perhaps a rather C-oriented library. I want to use it through the C++ interface, which would require me to declare storage types like so (following documentation from here and here (section

class example { 
    double member_a;
    int member_b;
} //class example

H5::CompType func_that_creates_example_CompType() {
    H5::CompType ct;
    ct.insertMember("a", HOFFSET(example, member_a), H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);
    ct.insertMember("b", HOFFSET(example, member_b), H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT);
    return ct;
} //func_that_creates_example_CompType

where HOFFSET is a HDF-specific macro that uses offsetof.

The problem is of course, that as soon as the example-class becomes it little bit more featureful, it is no longer of POD-type, and so using offsetof will give undefined results.

The only workaround I can think of is to first export the data I want to store to a simpler struct, then pass that to HDF. That does however involve data copying, which is exactly what HDF is trying to avoid (and why they have this CompType which enables the library to reach into your objects to save their data to file).

So I was hoping you'd have better ideas. Ideally I'd be looking for a portable workaround for this problem, but if short of that you could give me an idea that works on x86 and x86_64 with GCC I'd already be immensely grateful.

----- appended later: -----

Greg Hewgill suggested below to store the data in a simple struct, then build the actual class by inheriting from that. For HDF specifically, I think that may not practically work. A more elaborate usage scenario than above:

class base_pod {
    double member_a;
    int member_b;
}; //class base_pod

class derived_non_pod : private base_pod {
    //the following method is only virtual to illustrate the problem
    virtual double get_member_a() {return member_a; }
}; //class derived_non_pod

class that_uses_derived_non_pod {
    void whatever();
    derived_non_pod member_c;
}; //class that_uses_derived_non_pod

Now, when we're storing instances of the class that_uses_derived_non_pod, we cannot describe its memory layout as if it had a base_pod as member_c. This would get the offsets wrong because derived_non_pod adds funky stuff (like a virtual function table, I guess?).

like image 775
yungchin Avatar asked Oct 07 '08 10:10


2 Answers

Greg Hewgill's solution is probably preferable to this (maybe with composition rather than inheritance).

However, I think that with GCC on x86 and x86_64, offsetof will actually work even for members of non-POD types, as long as it "makes sense". So for example it won't work for members inherited from virtual base classes, because in GCC that's implemented with an extra indirection. But as long as you stick to plain public single inheritance, GCC just so happens to lay out your objects in a way which means every member is accessible at an offset from the object pointer, so the offsetof implementation will give the right answer.

Trouble with this of course is that you have to ignore the warnings, which means if you do something that doesn't work, you'll dereference a close-to-null pointer. On the plus side, the cause of the problem will probably be obvious at runtime. On the minus side, eeew.

[Edit: I've just tested this on gcc 3.4.4, and actually the warning is upgraded to an error when getting the offset of a member inherited from a virtual base class. Which is nice. I'd still be slightly worried that a future version of gcc (4, even, which I don't have to hand) will be more strict, and that if you take this approach your code may in future stop compiling.]

like image 114
Steve Jessop Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Steve Jessop

Depending on how portable you want to be, you can use offsetof() even on non-POD types. It's not strictly conformant but in the way offsetof() is implemented on gcc and MSVC, it'll work with non-POD types in the current version and the recent past.

like image 26
Roel Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
