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Looking for a surprising concurrent Java program

Since I am writing a profiler focusing on concurrency aspects, I am looking for a good artificial example using synchronization mechanisms in Java. My profiler makes visible some actions related to threading; for instance:

  • calling notify/wait
  • thread changes its state
  • a thread is contended with another thread for a monitor lock
  • a monitor lock has been acquired by a thread after contending for it with another
  • measure the execution time of each method
  • which thread has accessed a certain method and how often
  • etc.

So what I am looking for, is a Java program which seems to be understood at first glance, but when executing it, you start to wonder about the results. I hope that my profiler might be able to detect what is going on in the background.

To clarify myself I give you an example, the book Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz gives "toxic" code examples which are used for learning reasons.

public class ListHelper<E> {
    public List<E> list =
        Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<E>());
    public synchronized boolean putIfAbsent(E x) {
        boolean absent = !list.contains(x);
        if (absent)
        return absent;

This is intended to be an extension of a thread-safe class, by the method putIfAbsent. Since list is synchronized, but putIfAbsent uses another lock for protecting the state as the methods defined on the list.

The profiler could display the used monitor locks and to the suprise of the user (or not...) the user would see there are two possible monitor locks instead of one.

I don't like this example very much, but I wouldn't ask, if I had already a bunch of good examples.

I found out my question is similar to this: What is the most frequent concurrency issue you've encountered in Java? and Java concurrency bug patterns.

But they refer only to broken concurrent programs. I am also looking for thread-safe implementations, but where it still not obvious that they are thread-safe.

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Konrad Reiche Avatar asked Jun 12 '11 01:06

Konrad Reiche

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The simplest way to avoid problems with concurrency is to share only immutable data between threads. Immutable data is data which cannot be changed. To make a class immutable define the class and all its fields as final. Also ensure that no reference to fields escape during construction.

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A multi-threaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs.

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While Java isn't necessarily the best language for concurrency, there are a lot of tools, libraries, documentation and best practices out there to help. Using message passing and immutability instead of threads and shared state is considered the better approach to programming concurrent applications.

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The Java programming language and the Java virtual machine (JVM) have been designed to support concurrent programming, and all execution takes place in the context of threads.

1 Answers

Have a look at the list of FindBugs bug descriptions, specifically those belonging to category of Multithreaded correctness (right table column).

Each of these bugs contain references on why a particular idiom is bad and how can it be solved.

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mindas Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
