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Looking for a lossless compression api similar to smushit

Anyone know of an lossless image compression api/service similar to smushit from yahoo?

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Samuel Goldenbaum Avatar asked Jun 08 '10 17:06

Samuel Goldenbaum

People also ask

What is the best lossless image compression?

WebP is a good choice for lossless images since it easily wins over PNG when it comes to compression efficiency, having 41% smaller images on average. It's also widely supported in web browsers and other software. WebP files are quick to encode too, taking only around 3 seconds to compress.

Is OptiPNG lossless?

OptiPNG is a lossless compression tool for PNG images. It can also convert non-PNG files (BMP, GIF, PNM and TIFF) into compressed PNG files. Jpegoptim is a tool used to optimize JPEG files. It provides lossless optimization (based on Huffman Table) and lossy optimization implemented by quality factors.

What is Smush on WordPress?

WP Smush is a WordPress plugin that allows you to optimize images without losing quality. Pros of WP Smush. WP Smush is very easy to use, and you can optimize your images on the fly as you upload them to your WordPress site. For your older images you can go to Media » WP Smush to bulk smush 50 images at a time.

How do I use Smush on WordPress?

Just head over to the plugin directory and search “Smush.” Install and activate the plugin so you can use it. Once the plugin has been installed and activated, you can head over to the main setup page by clicking on the “Smush” tab that will now appear in the left-hand menu of your WordPress admin dashboard.

1 Answers

From their own FAQ:


We have found many good tools for reducing image size. Often times these tools are specific to particular image formats and work much better in certain circumstances than others. To "smush" really means to try many different image reduction algorithms and figure out which one gives the best result.

These are the algorithms currently in use:

  1. ImageMagick: to identify the image type and to convert GIF files to PNG files.
  2. pngcrush: to strip unneeded chunks from PNGs. We are also experimenting with other PNG reduction tools such as pngout, optipng, pngrewrite. Hopefully these tools will provide improved optimization of PNG files.
  3. jpegtran: to strip all metadata from JPEGs (currently disabled) and try progressive JPEGs.
  4. gifsicle: to optimize GIF animations by stripping repeating pixels in different frames.

More information about the smushing process is available at the Optimize Images section of Best Practices for High Performance Web pages.

It mentions several good tools. By the way, the very same FAQ mentions that Yahoo will make Smush.It a public API sooner or later so that you can run at it your own. Until then you can just upload images separately for Smush.It here.

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BalusC Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
