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logstash output to elasticsearch with document_id; what to do when I don't have a document_id?

I have some logstash input where I use the document_id to remove duplicates. However, most input doesn't have a document_id. The following plumbs the actual document_id through, but if it doesn't exist, it gets accepted as literally %{document_id}, which means most documents are seen as a duplicate of each other. Here's what my output block looks like:

output {
        elasticsearch_http {
            host => ""
            document_id => "%{document_id}"

I thought I might be able to use a conditional in the output. It fails, and the error is given below the code.

output {
        elasticsearch_http {
            host => ""
            if document_id {
                document_id => "%{document_id}"

Error: Expected one of #, => at line 101, column 8 (byte 3103) after output {
        elasticsearch_http {
    host => ""

I tried a few "if" statements and they all fail, which is why I assume the problem is having a conditional of any sort in that block. Here are the alternatives I tried:

if document_id <> "" {
if [document_id] <> "" {
if [document_id] {
if "hello" <> "" {
like image 981
tedder42 Avatar asked May 13 '15 23:05


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2 Answers

You're close with the conditional idea but you can't place it inside a plugin block. Do this instead:

output {
  if [document_id] {
    elasticsearch_http {
      host => ""
      document_id => "%{document_id}"
  } else {
    elasticsearch_http {
      host => ""

(But the suggestion in one of the other answers to use the uuid filter is good too.)

like image 136
Magnus Bäck Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Magnus Bäck

One way to solve this is to make sure a document_idis always available. You can achieve this by adding a UUID filter in the filter section that would create the document_id field if it is not present.

filter {
    if "" in [document_id] {
        uuid {
            target => "document_id"

Edited per Magnus Bäck's suggestion. Thanks!

like image 31
Val Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
