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Log.INFO vs. Log.DEBUG [closed]



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What is difference between log INFO and log debug?

INFO is used to log the information your program is working as expected. DEBUG is used to find the reason in case your program is not working as expected or an exception has occurred. it's in the interest of the developer.

Does log level INFO show debug?

A log level used for events considered to be useful during software debugging when more granular information is needed. A log level describing events showing step by step execution of your code that can be ignored during the standard operation, but may be useful during extended debugging sessions.

What are the five levels of logging?

Logging levels explained. The most common logging levels include FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL, and OFF.

What does debug logging mean?

Debug logging is a troubleshooting process that gathers a large amount of information and system logs to help find problems. We recommend only enabling this for a short time, as the log files can become very large on the end device.

I usually try to use it like this:

  • DEBUG: Information interesting for Developers, when trying to debug a problem.
  • INFO: Information interesting for Support staff trying to figure out the context of a given error
  • WARN to FATAL: Problems and Errors depending on level of damage.

Debug: fine-grained statements concerning program state, typically used for debugging;

Info: informational statements concerning program state, representing program events or behavior tracking;

Warn: statements that describe potentially harmful events or states in the program;

Error: statements that describe non-fatal errors in the application; this level is used quite often for logging handled exceptions;

Fatal: statements representing the most severe of error conditions, assumedly resulting in program termination.

Found on http://www.beefycode.com/post/Log4Net-Tutorial-pt-1-Getting-Started.aspx

Also remember that all info(), error(), and debug() logging calls provide internal documentation within any application.