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Login fails after changing password ASP.NET Core

I'm using ASP.NET Core 1.0 and the identity stuff to authenticate and authorize the users. It all works fine except one single thing:

If the user resets or changes his password, he can't sign-in with the new credentials until the ASP.NET App is restarted. Means the new passwords are successfully saved in the database, but the Method _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync() doesn't use the current data, but old one. It seems there is something like a cache in the EF Core or in the SignInManager/UserStore.

Sign-in after registration works also fine, it is just a problem after reset or change of the passwords.

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Juergen Gutsch Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 19:03

Juergen Gutsch

2 Answers

I too discovered a problem with my authentication middleware using a stale DbContext.

One solution was to refresh the user in the auth middleware's identity resolver with the following line of code:

await _dbContext.Entry(userToVerify).ReloadAsync();

Following this, I was able to verify the user's credentials against up-to-date data.

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matt-ankerson Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 17:03


Found the cause of that problem: Auth is done in a separate MiddleWare which has a wrong initialization and uses an old EF DbContext.

Using the DbContext with DI is a huge problem in ASP.NET Core. The DbContext should be used in a pretty small scope, defined with a simple using statement. Unfortunately the ASP.NET Core identity uses a DbContext which is registered in the DI. The better solution would be to register just a DbContext factory to the DI, to create a small scoped DbContext overtime you need it.

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Juergen Gutsch Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 17:03

Juergen Gutsch