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Logging request/response in Nest.js

New to Nest.js,
I am trying to implement a simple logger for tracing HTTP requests like :

:method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms 

From my understanding the best place for that would be interceptors. But I Also use Guards and as mentionned, Guards are triggered after middlewares but before interceptors.

Meaning, my forrbidden accesses are not logged. I could write the logging part in two different places but rather not. Any idea?


My Interceptor code:

import { Injectable, NestInterceptor, ExecutionContext, HttpException, HttpStatus } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Observable, throwError } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';  @Injectable() export class HTTPLoggingInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {    intercept(context: ExecutionContext, call$: Observable<any>): Observable<any> {     const now = Date.now();     const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();      const method = request.method;     const url = request.originalUrl;      return call$.pipe(       tap(() => {         const response = context.switchToHttp().getResponse();         const delay = Date.now() - now;         console.log(`${response.statusCode} | [${method}] ${url} - ${delay}ms`);       }),       catchError((error) => {         const response = context.switchToHttp().getResponse();         const delay = Date.now() - now;         console.error(`${response.statusCode} | [${method}] ${url} - ${delay}ms`);         return throwError(error);       }),     );   } } 
like image 935
Julien Avatar asked Mar 10 '19 22:03


People also ask

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Nest comes with a built-in text-based logger which is used during application bootstrapping and several other circumstances such as displaying caught exceptions (i.e., system logging). This functionality is provided via the Logger class in the @nestjs/common package.

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To return a status code in nestjs, you need to include the @Res() in your parameters. Normally in nestjs the passthrough option on the Response object is set to false by default. This means anything you do will not passthrough into the Response object.

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To instruct Nestjs that we need the body values from the request, we should use the @Body() decorator function from the @nestjs/common module before the body parameter. Doing this will bind the body values from the request to the body parameter in the createPost() method.

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Redirection. To redirect a response to a specific URL, you can either use a @Redirect() decorator or a library-specific response object (and call res.redirect() directly). @Redirect() takes two arguments, url and statusCode , both are optional. The default value of statusCode is 302 ( Found ) if omitted.

1 Answers


You can use middleware for that.

import { Injectable, NestMiddleware, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';  import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';  @Injectable() export class AppLoggerMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {   private logger = new Logger('HTTP');    use(request: Request, response: Response, next: NextFunction): void {     const { ip, method, path: url } = request;     const userAgent = request.get('user-agent') || '';      response.on('close', () => {       const { statusCode } = response;       const contentLength = response.get('content-length');        this.logger.log(         `${method} ${url} ${statusCode} ${contentLength} - ${userAgent} ${ip}`       );     });      next();   } } 

and in the AppModule

export class AppModule implements NestModule {   configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer): void {     consumer.apply(AppLoggerMiddleware).forRoutes('*');   } } 
like image 55
hojin Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
