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Logging Exception.Data using Log4Net

We're just getting started with Log4Net (and wishing we'd done it earlier). Whilst we can see inner exceptions, etc. the one thing that seems to be missing from the output when logging an exception is any key/value information held inside the "Exception.Data". Is there anyway we can do this "out of the box"? If not, as we really are only just starting out where should be looking to find a way to implement this functionality?

As an example please see the very basic pseudo code below. We don't want to pollute the exception message with context information just what the problem was (We'd probably have lost more information in the data which would help in investigating the actual problem). But right now all we see in our logs is the type of exception, the message, any stack trace - but no exception "data". This means in our logs we lose the customer id, etc. How can we easily get this information into our logs (without having to code it by hand in each exception catch).

   var ex = new ApplicationException("Unable to update customer");
   ex.Data.Add("id", customer.Id);
   throw ex;
catch(ApplicationException ex)
   logger.Error("An error occurred whilst doing something", ex);
like image 767
Paul Hadfield Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 15:08

Paul Hadfield

People also ask

How to log Exception in c# using log4net?

This is an example where the file is located, Now, we need to set up the log in the program. cs class to start the log when the API starts. Finally, we are ready to create a filter in our project in order to catch all the possible exceptions in our application.

2 Answers

Following Stefan's lead:

namespace YourNamespace {
    public sealed class ExceptionDataPatternConverter : PatternLayoutConverter {

        protected override void Convert(TextWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent) {
            var data = loggingEvent.ExceptionObject.Data;
            if (data != null) {
                foreach(var key in data.Keys) {
                    writer.Write("Data[{0}]={1}" + Environment.NewLine, key, data[key]);


And in your configuration add %ex_data and the converter:

<appender ...>
  <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout,log4net">
    <conversionPattern value="%date %d{HH:mm:ss.fff} [%t] %-5p %c %l - %m%n %ex_data"/>
      <name value="ex_data" />
      <type value="YourNamespace.ExceptionDataPatternConverter" />

like image 99
Jeroen K Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

Jeroen K

If you have multiple appenders defined you can use a custom renderer rather than defining the converter for every layout.


    <renderer renderingClass="YourNamespace.ExceptionObjectLogger, YourAssembly" renderedClass="System.Exception" />


public class ExceptionObjectLogger : IObjectRenderer
    public void RenderObject(RendererMap rendererMap, object obj, TextWriter writer)
        var ex = obj as Exception;

        if (ex == null)
            // Shouldn't happen if only configured for the System.Exception type.
            rendererMap.DefaultRenderer.RenderObject(rendererMap, obj, writer);
            rendererMap.DefaultRenderer.RenderObject(rendererMap, obj, writer);

            const int MAX_DEPTH = 10;
            int currentDepth = 0;

            while (ex != null && currentDepth <= MAX_DEPTH)
                this.RenderExceptionData(rendererMap, ex, writer, currentDepth);
                ex = ex.InnerException;


    private void RenderExceptionData(RendererMap rendererMap, Exception ex, TextWriter writer, int depthLevel)
        var dataCount = ex.Data.Count;
        if (dataCount == 0)


        writer.WriteLine($"Exception data on level {depthLevel} ({dataCount} items):");

        var currentElement = 0;
        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ex.Data)

            ExceptionObjectLogger.RenderValue(rendererMap, writer, entry.Key);
            writer.Write("]: ");

            ExceptionObjectLogger.RenderValue(rendererMap, writer, entry.Value);

            if (currentElement < dataCount)

    private static void RenderValue(RendererMap rendererMap, TextWriter writer, object value)
        if (value is string)
            IObjectRenderer keyRenderer = rendererMap.Get(value.GetType());
            keyRenderer.RenderObject(rendererMap, value, writer);
like image 7
Daniel Ballinger Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Daniel Ballinger