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Log all messages in Akka without modifying all receive methods

I want to log all received messages to all actors in my Akka app. There is a config akka.actor.debug.receive that will log all messages sent to an actor if that actors receive method is a LoggingReceive.

According to http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html it means wrapping all receive methods with LoggingReceive as in How to log all incoming messages from Akka (Java)

def receive = {
  LoggingReceive {
    case x ⇒ // do something

Is there a way to do this implicitly, or by config?

like image 313
mirelon Avatar asked Jan 19 '15 16:01


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1 Answers

Not that I know of, but you should very easily be able to do something like this:

trait LoggingReceiveActor extends Actor{

  def receive = LoggingReceive(loggedReceive)

  def loggedReceive:Receive

class MyActor extends LoggingReceiveActor{

  def loggedReceive = {
    case _ => 

Any actor that inherits from LoggingReceiveActor now has to provide an impl for loggingReceive and if you do that, then when debug logging is enabled then this kind of actor will log the messages received.

like image 136
cmbaxter Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
