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LockBits appears to be too slow for my needs - alternatives?




I'm working on 10 megapixel images taken by a video camera.

The aim is to register in a matrix (a two-dimensional array) the grayscale values for each pixel.

I first used GetPixel but it took 25 seconds to do it. Now I use Lockbits but it sill takes 10 seconds, and 3 if I don't save the results in a text file.

My tutor said they don't need to register the results but 3 seconds is still too slow. So am I doing something wrong in my program or is there something faster than Lockbits for my application?

Here is my code:

public void ExtractMatrix()
    Bitmap bmpPicture = new Bitmap(nameNumber + ".bmp");

    int[,] GRAY = new int[3840, 2748]; //Matrix with "grayscales" in INTeger values

        //create an empty bitmap the same size as original
        Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bmpPicture.Width, bmpPicture.Height);

        //lock the original bitmap in memory
        BitmapData originalData = bmpPicture.LockBits(
           new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpPicture.Width, bmpPicture.Height),
           ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

        //lock the new bitmap in memory
        BitmapData newData = bmp.LockBits(
           new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpPicture.Width, bmpPicture.Height),
           ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

        //set the number of bytes per pixel
        // here is set to 3 because I use an Image with 24bpp
        int pixelSize = 3;

        for (int y = 0; y < bmpPicture.Height; y++)
            //get the data from the original image
            byte* oRow = (byte*)originalData.Scan0 + (y * originalData.Stride);

            //get the data from the new image
            byte* nRow = (byte*)newData.Scan0 + (y * newData.Stride);

            for (int x = 0; x < bmpPicture.Width; x++)
                //create the grayscale version
                byte grayScale =
                   (byte)((oRow[x * pixelSize] * .114) + //B
                   (oRow[x * pixelSize + 1] * .587) +  //G
                   (oRow[x * pixelSize + 2] * .299)); //R

                //set the new image's pixel to the grayscale version
                //   nRow[x * pixelSize] = grayScale; //B
                //   nRow[x * pixelSize + 1] = grayScale; //G
                //   nRow[x * pixelSize + 2] = grayScale; //R

                GRAY[x, y] = (int)grayScale;
like image 302
Elo Monval Avatar asked May 07 '13 11:05

Elo Monval

3 Answers

Here are some more optimizations that may help:

  1. Use jagged arrays ([][]); in .NET, accessing them is faster than multidimensional;

  2. Cache properties that will be used inside of a loop. Though this answer states that JIT will optimize it, we don't know what's happening internally;

  3. Multiplication is (generally) slower than addition;

  4. As others have stated, float is faster than double, which applies to older processors (~10+ years). The only upside here is that you're using them as constants, and thus consume less memory (especially because of the many iterations);

    Bitmap bmpPicture = new Bitmap(nameNumber + ".bmp");
    // jagged instead of multidimensional 
    int[][] GRAY = new int[3840][]; //Matrix with "grayscales" in INTeger values
    for (int i = 0, icnt = GRAY.Length; i < icnt; i++)
        GRAY[i] = new int[2748];
        //create an empty bitmap the same size as original
        Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bmpPicture.Width, bmpPicture.Height);
        //lock the original bitmap in memory
        BitmapData originalData = bmpPicture.LockBits(
           new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpPicture.Width, bmpPicture.Height),
           ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
        //lock the new bitmap in memory
        BitmapData newData = bmp.LockBits(
           new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpPicture.Width, bmpPicture.Height),
           ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
        //set the number of bytes per pixel
        // here is set to 3 because I use an Image with 24bpp
        const int pixelSize = 3; // const because it doesn't change
        // store Scan0 value for reuse...we don't know if BitmapData caches it internally, or recalculated it every time, or whatnot
        int originalScan0 = originalData.Scan0;
        int newScan0 = newData.Scan0;
        // incrementing variables
        int originalStride = originalData.Stride;
        int newStride = newData.Stride;
        // store certain properties, because accessing a variable is normally faster than a property (and we don't really know if the property recalculated anything internally)
        int bmpwidth = bmpPicture.Width;
        int bmpheight = bmpPicture.Height;
        for (int y = 0; y < bmpheight; y++)
            //get the data from the original image
            byte* oRow = (byte*)originalScan0 + originalStride++; // by doing Variable++, you're saying "give me the value, then increment one" (Tip: DON'T add parenthesis around it!)
            //get the data from the new image
            byte* nRow = (byte*)newScan0 + newStride++;
            int pixelPosition = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < bmpwidth; x++)
                //create the grayscale version
                byte grayScale =
                   (byte)((oRow[pixelPosition] * .114f) + //B
                   (oRow[pixelPosition + 1] * .587f) +  //G
                   (oRow[pixelPosition + 2] * .299f)); //R
                //set the new image's pixel to the grayscale version
                //   nRow[pixelPosition] = grayScale; //B
                //   nRow[pixelPosition + 1] = grayScale; //G
                //   nRow[pixelPosition + 2] = grayScale; //R
                GRAY[x][y] = (int)grayScale;
                pixelPosition += pixelSize;
like image 67
Jesse Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 11:10


Your code is converting from a row-major representation into a column-major representation. In the bitmap, pixel (x,y) is followed by (x+1,y) in memory; but in your GRAY array, pixel (x,y) is followed by (x,y+1).

This causes inefficient memory access when writing, as every write touches a different cache line; and you end up trashing the CPU cache if the image is big enough. This is especially bad if your image size is a power of two (see Why is transposing a matrix of 512x512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513x513?).

Store your array in row-major order as well if possible to avoid the inefficient memory access (replace GRAY[x,y] with GRAY[y,x]).

If you really need it in column-major order, look at more cache-friendly algorithms for matrix transposition (e.g. A Cache Efficient Matrix Transpose Program?)

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Daniel Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 10:10


Your code may not be optimal, but a quick skim seems to show even this version should run in a fraction of a second. This suggests there's some other problem:

Are you:

  • Compiling in Release mode? Debug mode turns off various optimizations
  • Running with a debugger attached? If you run from visual studio using F5 then (with the default C# keyshortcuts) the debugger will be attached. This can dramatically slow down your program, particularly if you have any breakpoints or intellitrace enabled.
  • Running on some limited device? It sounds like you're running on a PC, but if you're not, then device-specific limitations might be relevant.
  • I/O limited? Although you talk about a video camera, your code suggests you're dealing with the filesystem. Any file-system interaction can be a bottleneck, particularly once networked disks, virus scanners, physical platters and fragmentation come into play. A 10 mp image is 30MB (if uncompressed RGB without an alpha channel), and reading/writing that could easily take 3 seconds depending on the details of the filesystem.
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Eamon Nerbonne Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Eamon Nerbonne