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Lock Auth0 for android not returning UserProfile on authentication

I'm using Lock for providing Login functionality in my android App to users.

Here is my code: private Lock lock;

private LocalBroadcastManager broadcastManager;

private BroadcastReceiver authenticationReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        String idToken = intent.getStringExtra("com.auth0.android.lock.extra.IdToken");
        String tokenType = intent.getStringExtra("com.auth0.android.lock.extra.TokenType");
        Log.i(TAG, "User  logged in with " + idToken + " "+ tokenType);

//Not sure use of this callback  though its not being called anytime.
private LockCallback callback = new AuthenticationCallback() {
    public void onAuthentication(Credentials credentials) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Authenticated");

    public void onCanceled() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Authentication cancelled");

    public void onError(LockException error) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Authentication Error");

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Auth0 auth0 = new Auth0(getString(R.string.auth0_clientId), getString(R.string.auth0_domain));
    this.lock = Lock.newBuilder(auth0, callback)
    broadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this);
    broadcastManager.registerReceiver(authenticationReceiver, new IntentFilter("com.auth0.android.lock.action.Authentication"));

I have following two questions: 1). First of all I don't understand why it needs callback though it doesn't callback even after authentication succeeded. 2). Shouldn't LocalBroadcastManager get response with UserProfile information instead of token information?

I'm using Lock version: com.auth0.android:lock:2.0.0-beta.2

Is there any better way to do it?

Thanks in advance!

like image 506
user3089214 Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 04:07


1 Answers

have you tried onSuccess method? I cant see in your code, that's why it's not executing after successful attempt.

Override onSuccess method in your LockCallback callback, this will return UserProfile.

 * Callback for authentication API calls to Auth0 API.
public interface AuthenticationCallback extends Callback {

     * Called when authentication is successful.
     * It might include user's profile and token information.
     * @param profile User's profile information or null.
     * @param token User's token information (e.g. id_token).
    void onSuccess(UserProfile profile, Token token);



like image 135
shyammakwana.me Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10
